Decision problems in groups Semester WiSe 2023 / 24
Lecturer Clara Löh/Matthias Uschold/Franziska Hofmann
Type of course (Veranstaltungsart) Seminar
German title Entscheidungsprobleme in Gruppen
Contents Many group-theoretic problems look deceivingly simple,
but turn out to be algorithmically unsolvable:
Given a presentation of a group, can we decide
whether the resulting group is trivial, finite,
Which order does a given element have?
Are two given elements conjugate?
The algorithmic unsolvability of these problems
has far-reaching consequences for other fields;
e.g., many decision problems in geometry and
topology can be reduced to such undecidable
problems in group theory and thus are also
algorithmically undecidable.
In this seminar, we will introduce the language
of Turing machines, (un)decidability, and classical
undecidable problems. Moreover, we will learn the
basics on presentation of groups and group-theoretic
constructions. We will then combine both aspects
and study the (un)decidability of various problems
in group theory. Conversely, we will also study
certain special classes of groups in which several
of the problems do have algorithmic solutions.
Recommended previous knowledge Basic group theory is sufficient.
Time/Date Wed 8:30--10:00
Location M 101
Course homepage (Disclaimer: Dieser Link wurde automatisch erzeugt und ist evtl. extern)
Registration- Organisational meeting/distribution of topics: Mo, 17.07., 12:15, PHY 5.0.20
- Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)- Presentation: Giving a seminar talk of roughly 90 minutes
Examination (Prüfungsleistungen)- Detailed written report of the seminar talk
Modules BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem
ECTS 4.5