Universität Regensburg   IMPRESSUM    DATENSCHUTZ
Fakultät für Mathematik Universität Regensburg
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Formalization of higher category theory II
SoSe 2024

Denis-Charles Cisinski

Type of course (Veranstaltungsart)

This lecture series aims art introducing higher category theory in an axiomatic way. Instead of
building the theory of higher category theory from scratch, we introduced in the previous lecture
series higher category theory formally (in particular very rigorously),with the aim of having access
to its main features as quickly as possible: the Yoneda embedding, the straightening/unstraightening
correspondence relating cocartesian fibrations with functors taking values in the infinity-category
of infinity-categories,the theory of Kan extensions. We will now explore its consequences: the
theory of presentable categories, topoi, stable categories, basics on K-theory. Our axiomatic
approach will not only provide tools to comprehend the important aspect of higher categories as they
are used in practice (derived algebraic geometry, homotopical algebra...) but also in more general
contexts (e.g. higher category theory internally in any higher topos) and in logic (dependent type

Recommended previous knowledge
It is recommended to have followed the lecture Formalization of higher category theory. However, for
those who would be interested, lecture notes as well as video recordings of the latter can be
accessed to on the corresponding GRIPS page:

Tuesday 16h00-18h00, Thursday 14h00-16h00

Tuesday 16h00-18h00 in M 101, Thursday 14h00-16h00 in M102

  • Registration for the exercise classes: GRIPS
  • Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)
  • Passing the examination below
Examination (Prüfungsleistungen)
  • Oral exam: Duration: 30 min., Date: by appointment, re-exam: Date:
BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo
