Die folgenden Informationen sind noch nicht freigegeben und deshalb unverbindlich:
Seminar on Ongoing Theses Projects Semester SoSe 2025
Lecturer Klaus Künnemann
Type of course (Veranstaltungsart) Seminar
German title Seminar über laufende Abschlussarbeiten
Contents In this seminar, students report on their ongoing Bachelor or Master thesis project or on their Zulassungsarbeit. Talks can be given in english or german.
Time/Date Monday 16h15-17h45
Location M102
Registration- Organisational meeting/distribution of topics: If you are interested to write a Bachelor or
Master thesis or a Zulassungsarbeit under my supervision, then please attend the information meeting on Monday, February 3rd 2025 at 16h15 in room M102. - Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)- Presentation: Giving a seminar talk of roughly 90 minutes
Modules BSem.3