Stable Homotopy Theory Semester SoSe 2017
Lecturer Georgios Raptis
Type of course (Veranstaltungsart) Seminar
Contents This seminar will introduce and study the homotopy theory of spectra and its relation to generalized (co)homology theories. Other topics to be discussed include: Spanier-Whitehead duality, calculations using spectral sequences, cohomology operations, and applications to the calculation of cobordism rings.
Literature (1) J.F. Adams, Stable homotopy and generalised homology,
(2) S.O. Kochman, Bordism, stable homotopy, and Adams spectral sequences,
(3) R. M. Switzer, Algebraic Topology - Homotopy and Homology.
Recommended previous knowledge Familiarity with Algebraic Topology,
including singular (co)homology theory as well as the basic theory of
higher homotopy groups, will be assumed (e.g. as presented in the lecture courses Algebraic Topology I and II). Some familiarity with the (co)homology of
manifolds and cobordism theory (as in Algebraic Topology III) will also be desirable for some parts of the seminar.
Time/Date Wednesday 14-16
Location M101
Registration- Organisational meeting/distribution of topics: Thursday 09.02.2017,
10-12, M102
- Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)- Presentation: Giving a seminar talk of roughly 90 minutes
Examination (Prüfungsleistungen)Regelungen bei Studienbeginn vor WS 2015 / 16- Benotet:
- O. g. Studienleistung und o. g. Prüfungsleistung; die Note ergibt sich aus dem Seminarvortrag
- Unbenotet:
Modules BSem, MV, MSem
ECTS Siehe Modulkatalog. MV und Nebenfach: 4,5 LP bei Studienbeginn ab WS 15/16, 6 LP bei Studienbeginn vor WS 15/16