Universität Regensburg   IMPRESSUM    DATENSCHUTZ
Fakultät für Mathematik Universität Regensburg
Topics in Higher Category Theory
WiSe 2017 / 18

Justin Noel and Georgios Raptis

Type of course (Veranstaltungsart)



The purpose of this seminar is to study the general theory of higher categories and its applications. Higher category theory, especially the theory of \((\infty,n)\)-categories, provides a powerful language for handling the complexity of encoding relations, relations between relations, and "so on".

This language has been applied to questions in homotopy theory, derived algebra, derived algebraic geometry, topological field theory, and computer science. In addition to conceptualizing classical results by placing them in a more general context, they have proven essential for studying homotopy theories themselves.

The exact subject matter of the seminar will be determined by the participants and their interests. In particular, participants are encouraged to speak about related topics arising in recent research papers. We also encourage participants to give talks on various foundational topics including, but not limited to, models for \((\infty,n)\)-categories, presentable \(\infty\)-categories, higher topoi, stable \(\infty\)-categories, (higher) operad theory, derived schemes, (derived) stacks, the cobordism hypothesis, bicategories, higher Picard and Brauer groups...and beyond!

Participants should have some familiarity with the theory of \(\infty\)-categories.

Higher Topos Theory. Higher Algebra. DAG Series. All by Jacob Lurie.

Recommended previous knowledge
Some familiarity with infinity-categories

Tuesdays 16:00-18:00


Course homepage
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  • Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)
  • Presentation: Giving a seminar talk of roughly 90 minutes
Examination (Prüfungsleistungen)
  • Detailed written report of the seminar talk
Regelungen bei Studienbeginn vor WS 2015 / 16
  • Benotet:
    • O. g. Studienleistung und o. g. Prüfungsleistung; die Note ergibt sich aus der Prüfungsleistung
  • Unbenotet:
    • O. g. Studienleistung
MV, MSem

Siehe Modulkatalog. MV und Nebenfach: 4,5 LP bei Studienbeginn ab WS 15/16, 6 LP bei Studienbeginn
vor WS 15/16