Universität Regensburg   IMPRESSUM    DATENSCHUTZ
Fakultät für Mathematik Universität Regensburg
Seminar Angewandte Mathematik
SoSe 2022

Georg Dolzmann

Type of course (Veranstaltungsart)

German title
Seminar Applied Mathematics

Topics related to applied mathematics including modelling aspects, dynamics of ordinary differential
equations, existence and regularity of partial differential equations and tools from nonlinear
analysis and the calculus of variations will be discussed. Aspects from numerical analysis will be
considered upon request. All levels (seminars in the Bachelor's and Master's programme, preparation
for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis or seminars for Lehramt Gymnasium) are included. Additional
information will be posted on the GRIPS page of the seminar.

Depends on the topic and will be communicated individually.

Recommended previous knowledge
Calculus I-III, for more advanced topics Functional Analysis and/or basic topics in PDE.

Di 14-16


  • Organisational meeting/distribution of topics: Please see GRIPS for additional information. The
    meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 8, 2022, at 12:00 noon in M104 in a hybrid format. If
    you cannot take part in the (zoom) meeting, then please contact the instructor by email.
  • Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)
  • Presentation: Giving a seminar talk of roughly 90 minutes
Examination (Prüfungsleistungen)
  • Detailed written report of the seminar talk
Additional comments
This seminar will be held in presence. However, if required, a hybrid or an online format will be

BSem, MV, LA-GySem

BSem und MSem: 4,5 LP bei Studienbeginn ab WS 15/16, 6 LP bei Studienbeginn vor WS 15/16. LA-GySem:
6 LP. MV und Nebenfach: 4,5 LP bei Studienbeginn ab WS 15/16, 6 LP bei Studienbeginn vor WS 15/16
+++ weitere Details: siehe Modulkatalog +++