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Einführung in die Kategorientheorie Semester SoSe 2025
Lecturer Niko Naumann
Type of course (Veranstaltungsart) Vorlesung
German title Introduction to Category Theory
Contents This is an introductory course to classical category theory. It's formal prerequistes are empty but
some mathematical maturity is needed to profit, say the first few semesters of a Bachlor in Mathematics.
While we will only treat classical category theory, exposition and examples will be chosen with an eye towards
being instructive/easily adaptable to higher categories.
Literature Riehl, Category Theory in Context
Recommended previous knowledge rougly the first year of a Math Bachelor
Time/Date Tue, 4-6 pm and Fri 10-12 am
Location H32
Additional question session Time/Date: Mo 12-2 pm Location: M104
Course homepage https://elearning.uni-regensburg.de/course/view.php?id=69479 (Disclaimer: Dieser Link wurde automatisch erzeugt und ist evtl. extern)
Registration- Registration for the exercise classes: not required
- Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)- Successful participation in the exercise classes:
Examination (Prüfungsleistungen)- Written exam: Duration: 180 minutes, Date: TBD, re-exam: Date: TBD
Modules BAlg(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo