Universität Regensburg   IMPRESSUM   DATENSCHUTZ
Fakultät für Mathematik Universität Regensburg
Homotopical Algebra - Model Categories
SoSe 2022

Georgios Raptis

Type of course (Veranstaltungsart)

German title
Homotopische Algebra - Modelkategorien

This seminar will be an introduction to the theory and applications of model categories. The theory
of model categories establishes an axiomatic framework for homotopy theory which has been very
successful in analyzing homotopical phenomena and generalizing the methods of homological algebra
to more general (non-additive) categories. The classical homotopy theories of topological spaces
and chain complexes fit nicely in this framework and provide some of the main examples. The theory
of model categories also provides a general framework in which different homotopy theories can be
compared. This seminar should be of interest to anyone interested in algebraic topology,
homological algebra and/or (higher) categorical methods in topology and algebra. The detailed list
of topics will appear shortly on the course homepage.

See the Seminar Program for details (to appear shortly on the course homepage).

Recommended previous knowledge
Knowledge of basic category theory will be assumed. Familiarity with algebraic topology and/or
homological algebra will be very useful.

Wednesday 16-18


Course homepage
(Disclaimer: Dieser Link wurde automatisch erzeugt und ist evtl. extern)

  • Organisational meeting/distribution of topics: Please contact me via e-mail if you are
    interested in attending the seminar. The detailed schedule of the seminar and the distribution
    of the talks will be discussed at the preliminary meeting. Talks will be held in English or
    German. Preliminary Meeting: Date: Wednesday 09.02.2022, 16-18. Place: to be announced
    (see also the course homepage).
  • Registration for course work/examination/ECTS: FlexNow
Course work (Studienleistungen)
  • Presentation: Giving a seminar talk of roughly 90 minutes
Examination (Prüfungsleistungen)
  • Detailed written report of the seminar talk
BSem, MV, MSem

BSem und MSem: 4,5 LP bei Studienbeginn ab WS 15/16, 6 LP bei Studienbeginn vor WS 15/16. LA-GySem:
6 LP. MV und Nebenfach: 4,5 LP bei Studienbeginn ab WS 15/16, 6 LP bei Studienbeginn vor WS 15/16
+++ weitere Details: siehe Modulkatalog +++