Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis
= English on Demand
Die folgenden Informationen sind noch nicht freigegeben und deshalb unverbindlich:Semester | Dozent/in | Titel | Art | Termin | Module | SoSe 2025 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2025 | Radu Curticapean (FIDS) | Complexity Theory  | Seminar | Wed 10-12 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Helmut Abels | Master thesis seminar  | Seminar | Mo. 8-10h | MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Helmut Abels | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di + Mi 8 - 10h | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2025 | Bernd Ammann | Geometrie für das Lehramt Gymnasium | Vorlesung | Di+Fr 8-10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2025 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar of the Working Group  | Seminar | Monday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on advanced Geometry and Topology  | Seminar | Tuesday 16-18 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Bernd Ammann | Block seminar on Seiberg-Witten theory  | Seminar | Feb 24-28, 2025 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Chiara Sabadin, Julio de Mello Bezerra | Galois Representations and L-functions  | Seminar | Wednesdays at 14:15 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Luise Blank | Optimization II  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, We 10-12, Exercise class presumably We 14-16 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | SoSe 2025 | Luise Blank | Seminar über laufende Abschlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Tue 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Jonathan Bowden | Introduction to Contact Topology  | Lecture | Monday 10-12 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Bastiaan Cnossen | Introduction to Higher Algebra  | Vorlesung | Mo: 14-16, Wed: 12-14 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Georg Dolzmann | Partial Differential Equations I  | Vorlesung | Mi 10-12, Do 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, PHY-B-WE03, PHY-M-VE03 | SoSe 2025 | Georg Dolzmann | Analytische Methoden für dynamische Systeme  | Seminar | | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2025 | Georg Dolzmann | Bachelorseminar | Bachelorseminar | Di 10-12 | BSem, BSem.3 | SoSe 2025 | Felix Finster | Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (Analysis IV) | | Di, Fr 8-10 | BAn(2), CS-B-Math1, PHY-B-WE 03 | SoSe 2025 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Seminar | Fr 14:30-16:00 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physcs"  | Seminar | Do 8-10 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Stefan Friedl | Topics in topology: The h-cobordism theorem and characteristic classes  | Vorlesung | Tuesday and Thursday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Stefan Friedl | Knot theory  | Vorlesung | Monday 14-16 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Christoph Fronhöfer | Spektralsätze | Proseminar Bachelor, Seminar für Lehramt Gymnasium | Mo 12:15-13:45 | BSem, LA-GySem, PHY-B-WE 03 | SoSe 2025 | Harald Garcke | Partial Differential Equations III: Cahn-Hilliard Equations  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2025 | Harald Garcke | Nonlinear partial differential equations  | Seminar | Tuesday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, BSem.2, BSem.3 | SoSe 2025 | Walter Gubler | Diophantine Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Mo, Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2025 | Walter Gubler | Seminar über laufende Abschlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Mo 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Jeroen Hekking | Introduction to derived algebraic geometry  | Vorlesung | Fri 10-12 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2025 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2025 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Marc Hoyois | Algebraic K-theory  | Vorlesung | Tue/Thu 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Marc Hoyois | A^1-invariance in algebraic geometry  | Seminar | Wed 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Richard Höfer | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 14-16 | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2025 | Michael Eden, Richard Höfer | Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen und Variationsrechnung in einer Dimension | Seminar | Blockseminar im Zeitraum 31.3. - 17.4. | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2025 | Moritz Kerz | Complex linear differential equations  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 14-16, M 101; Thursday 10-12, M 009 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar - seminar on etale cohomology  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Moritz Kerz | Lernraum fürs erste Studienjahr | Repetitorium | Mo 16-18, M 103; Di 12-14, M 101; Do 12-16, M 102 | BGAna, BGLA, LA-GyAn, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2025 | Guido Kings | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Di 14-16 und Mi 8-10 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, BA-NF-M02, CS-B-P14, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1 | SoSe 2025 | Guido Kings | Research seminar on arithmetic geometry  | Oberseminar | Wed 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Marc Hoyois, Niklas Kipp | The Bloch-Kato conjecture  | Oberseminar | Tue 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Klaus Künnemann | Non-Archimedean Banach Algebras  | Vorlesung | Monday, Thursday 10h15-12h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2025 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 14h15-15h45 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Klaus Künnemann | Seminar on Ongoing Theses Projects  | Seminar | Monday 16h15-17h45 | BSem.3 | SoSe 2025 | Sil Linskens | Chromatic Homotopy Theory  | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Exercises: Th 16-18 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Stefan Friedl und Clara Löh | LKS-seminar (research seminar on groups and geometric topology)  | Seminar | Fr 10-12 | MV, MSem, BSem.3 | SoSe 2025 | Clara Löh | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo/Do 10--12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA, BA-NF-M04, CS-B-Math2 | SoSe 2025 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2025 | Niko Naumann | Einführung in die Kategorientheorie  | Vorlesung | Tue, 4-6 pm and Fri 10-12 am | BAlg(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2025 | Lukas Prader | Kettenbrüche | Seminar | Blockseminar | LA-GySem | SoSe 2025 | Pavel Sechin | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2025 | Dr. Patrik Knopf, Julian Seipel | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Di 12-14 und Mi 16-18 | | SoSe 2025 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Do 14 - 16 | LA-RES | SoSe 2025 | Florian Strunk, Matthias Uschold | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Mo 8:30-10:00 Uhr, Mi 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2025 | Tashi Walde | Algebraic Topology II  | Vorlesung | Mon 10-12, Wed 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2025 | Clara Löh/Malena Wasmeier | Proseminar: Graphentheorie | Proseminar | Do 8:30--10:00 | BSem.1 | SoSe 2025 | Christoph Winges | Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10 - 12 Uhr | BAlg(2), MArGeo | SoSe 2025 | Moritz Kerz, Carolyn Echter, Yuenian Zhou | Arithmetic of quadratic forms  | Seminar | Mo 4-6 | BSem, MV, MSem, BSem.2 |
| Die folgenden Informationen sind freigegeben:Semester | Dozent/in | Titel | Art | Termin | Module | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Radu Curticapean (FIDS) | Complexity Theory  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 12-14 (Exercise Wed. 16-18) | MV | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Helmut Abels | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo., 14 - 16h und Mi., 10 - 12h | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, CS-B-P16, RZ-M61, RZ-M04, RZ-M33, PHY-B-WE03, PHY-M-VE03 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Helmut Abels | Master thesis seminar  | Seminar | Mo. 8-10h | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar of the Working Group  | Seminar | Monday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on Advanced Differential Geometry  | Seminar | Tuesday 16-18 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Julio de Mello Bezerra | Abelian Varieties  | Seminar | Wednesdays at 14:15 | BSem, MV, MSem, MArGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Luise Blank | Optimization I  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, We 10-12, Exercise class presumably Tue 10-12, Wed 14-16 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Ulrich Bunke | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10-12 | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Ulrich Bunke | The coarse Baum Connes conjecture  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12 | MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Algebraic Topology I  | Vorlesung | Tuesday and Thursday, 14-16h | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Bastiaan Cnossen | Introduction to Stable Homotopy Theory  | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Wed 12-14, Exercises Th 10-12 | MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Georg Dolzmann | Funktionalanalysis  | Vorlesung | Di 10-12, Mi 10-12 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar Einführung in Evolutionsgleichungen | Seminar | Di 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Felix Finster | Analysis III: Funktionen- und Maßtheorie | Vorlesung | Di und Fr, 8-10 Uhr | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Oberseminar | Do 14-16 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical physics"  | Oberseminar | Fr 14:30-16:00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Shane Farnsworth, Felix Finster | Seminar "Maßtheorie" | Seminar | Blockseminar im März, genauer Termin nach Vereinbarung | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Stefan Friedl | Morse theory and the h-cobordism theorem  | Vorlesung | Tuesday+Thursday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Harald Garcke | Partielle Differentialgleichungen II | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Harald Garcke | Nichtlineare elliptische und parabolische Gleichungen  | Seminar | Tuesday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, CS-B-P25.2, CS-M-F.2 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Walter Gubler | Diophantine Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, Thursday 8-10 (Exercises Wed. 12-14) | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Walter Gubler | Seminar über laufende Abschlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Monday, 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Richard Höfer, Eleni Hübner-Rosenau | Homogenization  | Seminar | Mondays 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Moritz Kerz | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 8-10 Uhr | LA-REG | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Moritz Kerz | Lern- und Diskussionsraum für Erstsemester | Repetitorium | Mo 14-18 Uhr, M 101 und Do 12-16 Uhr M 102 | BGAna, BGLA, LA-GyAn, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Mi 16-18 Uhr | BSem, MV, BSem.3 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Paul Ziegler, Moritz Kerz | Class field theory  | Seminar | Wednesday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Guido Kings | Analysis I | Vorlesung | Di 14-16 und Mi 8-10 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Guido Kings | Research seminar on arithmetic geometry  | Oberseminar | Wed 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Guido Kings | BA/MA-Seminar | Seminar | Fr 12-14 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Patrik Knopf | Analysis III für Physiker | Vorlesung | Mo., Do. 8-10h | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Lukas Krinner, Han-Ung Kufner | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Mo 8:30-10:00 Uhr, Mi 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Klaus Künnemann | Algebraic Number Theory I  | Vorlesung | Monday, Thursday 10h15 - 12h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 14h15 - 15h45 Uhr | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Tim Laux | Geometric Measure Theory I  | Vorlesung | Th, Fr: 8:15-10:00 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, MAngAn | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Denis-Charles Cisinski, Bastiaan Cnossen, Sil Linskens | Oberseminar on parametrized semiadditivity  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 16 - 18 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Stefan Friedl und Clara Löh | LKS-seminar (research seminar on groups and geometric topology)  | Seminar | Friday 10-12 | MV, MSem, BSem.3 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Clara Löh | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo/Do 10--12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA, PHY-B-P 2.2 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Radu Curticapean (FIDS), Clara Löh | Graphs, Groups, Topology and Computational Complexity  | Seminar | Wed 8:00--10:00 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Filip Misev | Hyperbolische Geometrie  | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 14-16 | MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Niko Naumann | Riemann Surfaces  | Vorlesung | Mo, 10-12 in H31 and Tue, 12-14 in H31. | BAn(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Niko Naumann | Seminar zur Algebra | Seminar | Di., 16-18 | LA-GySem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Klaus Künnemann, Riccardo Pengo | Seminar on Algebraic Function Fields  | Seminar | Monday 16h15 - 17h45 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Filip Misev, Julian Pohl | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Di 12-14 und Mi 16-18 | | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Donnerstag, 17-19 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Christoph Winges | Nichtstandard-Analysis | Seminar | tba | LA-GySem, BSem.1 | WiSe 2024 / 25 | Christoph Winges | Topological K-theory and vector fields on spheres  | Seminar | tba | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2024 | Helmut Abels | Examenskurs Analysis (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Di 12-14, Mi 16-18 | | SoSe 2024 | Helmut Abels | Master thesis seminar  | Seminar | Mo. 8-10h | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar of the Working Group  | Seminar | Monday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on Riemannian Gromov-Hausdorff convergence and weighted differential operators  | Seminar | Monday 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Bernd Ammann | Differential Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 14-16 and Friday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2024 | Julio de Mello Bezerra | Modular Forms  | Seminar | Wed 14h-16h | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Luise Blank | Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen/Numerical methods for partial differential equations  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Mi 10-12, Übung voraussichtlich Di 10-12, 12-14 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | SoSe 2024 | Jonathan Bowden | Automorphisms of Surfaces  | Seminar | Tuesday 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Ulrich Bunke | Linare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2024 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | SoSe 2024 | Ulrich Bunke | Differential Cohomology  | Vorlesung | Do 14-16 | MV | SoSe 2024 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Formalization of higher category theory II  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 16h00-18h00, Thursday 14h00-16h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2024 | Bastiaan Cnossen | Lie groups and representation theory  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Wed 12-14, Exercises Fr 14-16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2024 | Georg Dolzmann | Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (Analysis IV) | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 8-10 | BAn(2), CS-B-Math1, PHY-B-WE 03 | SoSe 2024 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar zur Angewandte Mathematik | Seminar | Di 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Felix Finster | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10, Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2024 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Seminar | Mi 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical physics"  | Seminar | Friday 14:30-16:00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Stefan Friedl | Algebraic topology III.5  | Vorlesung | Fr 8-10 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2024 | Stefan Friedl | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 14-16 | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2024 | Harald Garcke | Differentialgleichungen  | Seminar | Tuesday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem, BSem.1, BSem.2, BSem.3 | SoSe 2024 | Walter Gubler | Algebraic Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, Thursday 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2024 | Walter Gubler | Cohomology of Sheaves and Schemes  | Seminar | Monday, 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2024 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2024 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2024 | Marc Hoyois | Algebraic Topology II  | Vorlesung | Tue/Thu 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2024 | Marc Hoyois | de Rham cohomology  | Seminar | Mittwoch 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Marc Hoyois | Motivic spectra  | Oberseminar | Tue 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Richard Höfer | Partial Differential Equations I  | Vorlesung | Mo. 12-14 and Thu. 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2024 | Richard Höfer | Seminar über Irrfahrten | Seminar | Do 12-14 Uhr | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 16 - 18 | BSem, MV, BSem.3 | SoSe 2024 | Moritz Kerz | Geometrie für Lehramt Gymnasium | Vorlesung | Dienstag 8-10, Freitag 8-10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2024 | Guido Kings | BA/MA-Seminar | Seminar | tba | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Patrik Knopf | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di: 8-10 Uhr, Mi: 8-10 Uhr | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2024 | Han-Ung Kufner | Research seminar on arithmetic geometry  | Oberseminar | Mo 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Klaus Künnemann | Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10 - 12 Uhr | BAlg(2), MArGeo | SoSe 2024 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14 - 16 Uhr | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Tim Laux | Gradient flows  | Vorlesung | Mo u. Do jeweils 10-12 Uhr | MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1,CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2024 | Matthias Ludewig | Elementare Differentialgeometrie | Vorlesung | Vorlesung: Mo 10-12, Do 10-12. Übung Mi 16-18 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2024 | Stefan Friedl and Clara Löh | LKS-seminar (research seminar on groups and geometric topology)  | Seminar | Friday 10-12 | MV, MSem, BSem.3 | SoSe 2024 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2024 | Filip Misev | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2024 | Ulrich Bunke, Felix Finster, Sami Abdallah, Lars Munser | Fourierreihen | Proseminar Bachelor, Seminar Lehramt Gymnasium | Mi 14-16 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Niko Naumann | Seminar on Lie algebras  | Seminar | Wed, 10-12. | BV, BSem, MV, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Niko Naumann | Oberseminar on the chromatic Nullstellensatz  | Oberseminar | Wendsday, 2 - 4 pm | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Niko Naumann | Introduction to Condensed Mathematics  | Vorlesung | Fri, 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2024 | Klaus Künnemann, Clara Otte | Seminar zur Algebra | Seminar | Mo 16 - 18 Uhr | LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Lukas Prader | Mathematical Communication / Mathematische Kommunikation  | Seminar | Blockseminar (first two weeks of April) | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Georgios Raptis | Stratifolds and singular (co)homology  | Seminar | Blockseminar during the period 4-12 April (details to be confirmed) | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Georgios Raptis | Cut-and-paste invariants of manifolds  | Vorlesung | 2h per week (only during the first half of the semester) | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2024 | Giacomo Bertizzolo, Georgios Raptis | K-theory of finite fields  | Seminar | tba | MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2024 | Daniel Schäppi | Classical algebraic K-theory  | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2024 | Radu Curticapean, Cornelius Brand (Fakultät für Informatik und Data Science) | Algorithmic Counting Problems and Algebraic Complexity Theory  | Seminar | Wednesday 8 to 10 am | BSem | SoSe 2024 | Radu Curticapean, Cornelius Brand (Fakultät für Informatik und Data Science) | BUCH der Beweise | Proseminar | Do 16-18 | BSem | SoSe 2024 | Pavel Sechin | Grothendieck ring of varieties and birational geometry  | Oberseminar | Fridays 15-17 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2024 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Do 14 - 16 | LA-RES | SoSe 2024 | Han-Ung Kufner, Florian Strunk | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Mo 8:30-10:00 Uhr, Mi 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2024 | Moritz Kerz, Florian Strunk | Seminar Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen | Seminar | Freitag, 10 - 12 | LA-GySem, BSem.1 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Helmut Abels | Analysis III für Physiker | Vorlesung | Mo., Do. 8-10h | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Helmut Abels | Master thesis seminar  | Seminar | Mo. 10-12h | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Bernd Ammann | Differential Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Monday and Friday, 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on Advanced Differential Geometry  | Seminar | Tuesday 16-18 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Bernd Ammann | Working Group Seminar  | Seminar | Montag 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Julio de Mello Bezerra | Zeta und L-Funktionen (Zahlentheorie) | Seminar | Mi 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Walter Gubler und Debam Biswas | The Schinzel-Zassenhaus conjecture  | Seminar | Mon 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Luise Blank | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo 14 - 16 und Mi 10 - 12 | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Jonathan Bowden | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) MONTAG | Proseminar | Mo 14-16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Ulrich Bunke | BA/MA Seminar  | Seminar | Di 16-18 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Ulrich Bunke | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA, PHY-B-P 2.2 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Formalization of higher category theory  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 16h00-18h00, Thursday 14h00-16h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Georg Dolzmann | Analysis III: Funktionentheorie und Maßtheorie | Vorlesung | Dienstag 8-10 und Freitag 8-10 | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar zur Angewandte Mathematik | Seminar | Di 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Felix Finster | Analysis I | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10 und Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical physics"  | Seminar | Fr 14:30-16:00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Seminar | Mi 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Stefan Friedl | Algebraic topology - cohomology  | Vorlesung | Tuesday and Thursday 10-12 | MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Stefan Friedl | Knot theory  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16 | MV | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Functional Analysis  | Vorlesung | Di und Do, jeweils 10-12 Uhr | BAn(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Funktionalanalytische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen | Seminar | Di 14-16 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Walter Gubler | Algebraic Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Monday, Thursday 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) MONTAG | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) DIENSTAG | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Clara Löh/Matthias Uschold/Franziska Hofmann | Decision problems in groups  | Seminar | Wed 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Marc Hoyois | Algebraic Topology I  | Vorlesung | Di 8-10, Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Richard Höfer | Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (Instead of PDE II)  | Vorlesung | Lecture: Tuesday 10-12 and Wednesday 10-12, Exercise Group: Wednesday 8-10. | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Guido Kings | BA/MA-Seminar | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Guido Kings | Research seminar on arithmetic geometry  | Oberseminar | Do 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Guido Kings | On the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for elliptic curves with complex multiplication  | Vorlesung | Di 14-16 und Do 14-16 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Klaus Künnemann | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10-12 Uhr | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14-16 Uhr | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Kevin Li | Group cohomology  | Vorlesung | Friday 8-10 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Bernd Ammann, Matthias Ludewig | Charakteristische Klassen und Indextheorie | Vorlesung | Thursday 12-14 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Bernd Ammann, Matthias Ludewig | Morse theory  | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BV, BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Stefan Friedl and Clara Löh | LKS-seminar (research seminar on groups and geometric topology)  | Vorlesung | Friday 10-12 | MSem, BSem.3 | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Jonathan Bowden, Filip Misev | Singularitäten komplexer Hyperflächen | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Denis-Charles Cisinski/Niko Naumann | Seminar on Six-functors formalisms  | Seminar | Wednesday 10-12am | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Dr. Claudio Paganini | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 8-10 Uhr | LA-REG | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Filip Misev, Julian Pohl | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Di 12-14 und Mi 14-16 | | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Lukas Prader | Fourier analysis and representation theory  | Seminar | Mo 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem, Nebenfach Master | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Georgios Raptis | Katastrophentheorie / Catastrophe theory (Singularitäten differenzierbarer Abbildungen) | Seminar | Mi 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Georgios Raptis | Acyclic maps and the plus construction  | Vorlesung | Fr 12-14 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Daniel Schäppi | Einführung in die Kategorientheorie | Vorlesung | Montag 8-10, Dienstag 12-14 | BAlg(2), BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Marc Hoyois, Pavel Sechin | The P^1-Freudenthal suspension theorem  | Oberseminar | Di 14-16 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Donnerstag, 17-19 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Veronika Ertl, Florian Strunk | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie (LGy) | Seminar | Mo 8:30-10:00 Uhr, Mi 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Hoang Kim Nguyen, Florian Strunk | Mathematics of machine learning  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 10-12 | MV | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Klaus Künnemann, Jakob Werner | Seminar über Codierungstheorie und Kryptographie | Seminar | Mo 16-18 Uhr | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2023 / 24 | Christoph Winges | Localisation and devissage in algebraic K-theory  | Vorlesung | tba | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2023 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2023 | Felix Finster, Sami Abdallah, Magdalena Lottner | Proseminar/Seminar Fourierreihen | Proseminar Bachelor, Seminar Lehramt Gymnasium | Do 12-14 (c.t.) | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2023 | Helmut Abels | Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Topics (PDE III)  | Vorlesung | Mo., 12-14, and Wed., 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2023 | Helmut Abels | Seminar on Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis  | Seminar | Mo., 10-12 | MSem, LA-GySem, BSem.1, BSem.2 | SoSe 2023 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Nach Absprache | BSem.3 | SoSe 2023 | Bernd Ammann | Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics  | Vorlesung | Monday and Thursday: 10-12; Exercises: probably Wednesday 16-18 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2023 | Bernd Ammann | Working Group Seminar  | Seminar | Montag 16 (st) - 18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Bernd Ammann | Positive mass theorem and application to the Yamabe problem  | Vorlesung | Di 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, MAngAn | SoSe 2023 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on semiclassical analysis  | Seminar | Tuesday 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Julio de Mello Bezerra | Elliptische Kurven | Seminar | Mi 14-16 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2023 | Luise Blank | Numerical Methods II  | Vorlesung | Monday 14-16, Wednesday 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | SoSe 2023 | Luise Blank | Some general numerical methods  | Seminar | Do 10-12 | MV, MSem, LA-GySem, BSem.1, BSem.2 | SoSe 2023 | Jonathan Bowden | Algebraic Topology: Homology  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 10-12 and Wed 8:30-10 | BAlg(2), BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2023 | Ulrich Bunke | Noncommutative homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2023 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | MSem | SoSe 2023 | Ulrich Bunke | BA/MA-Seminar  | Seminar | Di 10-12 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 14h15 - 16h00 | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2023 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | AG Seminar  | Seminar | Fri 10-12 | BSem, MV | SoSe 2023 | Georg Dolzmann | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10, Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2023 | Julius Blawid, Florian Behr, Georg Dolzmann | Proseminar Analysis | Proseminar | Di 16-18 | BSem.1 | SoSe 2023 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Seminar | Do 8:30 | BV, MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical physics"  | Oberseminar | Fr 14:30-16:00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen | Seminar | Montag 16-18 Uhr | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2023 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Analysis IV: Analysis auf Mannifaltigkeiten | Vorlesung | Di und Fr, jeweils 8-10 | BAn(2), MAT-BAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | SoSe 2023 | Roberto Gualdi | Tropical Geometry  | Vorlesung | Tue, Thu 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2023 | Walter Gubler | Seminar für laufende Abschlussarbeiten | Seminar | Mo 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2023 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2023 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2023 | Marc Hoyois | Introduction to stable homotopy theory  | Seminar | Mi 16-17:30 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Marc Hoyois | Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di und Fr 10-12 | BAlg(2), MArGeo | SoSe 2023 | Marc Hoyois | Selmer K-theory  | Oberseminar | Tue 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Richard Höfer | Partial Differential Equations I  | Vorlesung | Mo. 12-14 and Thu. 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2023 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 16-18 | BSem, MV, BSem.3 | SoSe 2023 | Guido Kings | Riemannian surfaces  | Vorlesung | Di 14-16, Do 14-16 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2023 | Guido Kings | BA/MA-Seminar | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Guido Kings | Research seminar on arithmetic Geometry  | Oberseminar | Do 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Prof. Meike Klettke | Data Engineering - Grundlagen und aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse | Integrierte Lehrveranstaltung (Vorlesung und Seminar) | Blockveranstaltung, Termine auf der Webseite zur Veranstaltung | BSem.2, BSem.3, Seminar | SoSe 2023 | Han-Ung Kufner | Continuous Étale Cohomology  | Seminar | Wed 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Klaus Künnemann | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 Uhr | BGLA, LA-GyLA, PHY-B-WE 03.1,CS-B-Math2 | SoSe 2023 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14h15-15h45 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Matthias Ludewig | Differentialgeometrie 2 / Indextheorie | Vorlesung | Mi 12-14, Fr 10-12 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2023 | Clara Löh | Geometrie für Lehramt Gymnasium | Vorlesung | Di 8--10, Fr 8--10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2023 | Jonathan Bowden, Clara Löh | LKS-seminar (research seminar on groups and geometric topology)  | Oberseminar | Friday 10--12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2023 | Filip Misev | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2023 | Lyne Moser | Topics in (infinity,2)-categories  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Niko Naumann | Local class field theory with formal modules  | Vorlesung | Wed, 4-6 pm H31 and Fri, 10-12 am, H32 | BAlg(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2023 | Hoang-Kim Nguyen | Turing machines, Lambda calculus and proofs as programs  | Seminar | Do 16-18 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2023 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2023 | Luca Pol | Rational Homotopy Theory  | Vorlesung | Monday 4-6 pm, Thursday 4-6 pm | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2023 | Lukas Prader | Modular forms and representations (Number Theory)  | Seminar | Mo 16-18 (sharp) | BSem, MV, MSem, Nebenfach Master | SoSe 2023 | Georgios Raptis | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2023 | Daniel Schäppi | Einführung in die Kategorientheorie | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10 und Fr 8-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2023 | Juliane Krämer (Fakultät für Informatik und Data Science) | Coding Theory and Code-based Cryptography  | Seminar | Di, 16-18 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2023 | Pavel Sechin | Algebraic cobordism of Levine-Morel  | Vorlesung | Friday 12-14 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2023 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Do 14 - 16 | LA-RES | SoSe 2023 | Florian Strunk | Introduction to the Mathematics of Quantum Computing  | Vorlesung | Tue 10-12 | BV, MV | SoSe 2023 | Florian Strunk | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie (LGy) | Seminar | Mo 8:30-10:00 Uhr, Mi 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2023 | Clara Löh, Kevin Li, Matthias Uschold | CAT(0) Cube Complexes  | Seminar | Mi 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2023 | Klaus Künnemann, Jakob Werner | Proseminar zur Linearen Algebra | Proseminar | Di 16h15-17h45 Uhr | BSem | SoSe 2023 | Christoph Winges | Examenskurs Analysis (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Di 12-14, Mi 14-16 | | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Bernd Ammann, Gunnar Bali (Physik) | Schrödinger operators  | Seminar | see webpage | BSem, MV, MSem, noch zu klärende Physik-Module | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Mo. 8-10 | BSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Bernd Ammann | Geometric pdes on manifolds (Yamabe problem)  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 8-10 and Friday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, MAngAn | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on semiclassical analysis  | Seminar | Thursday 14-16 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Bernd Ammann | Working Group Seminar  | Seminar | Montag 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Bernd Ammann | Construction and degeneration of Einstein 4-manifolds  | Seminar | Blockseminar, Oct 3-8, 2022 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Julio de Mello Bezerra | Galois Cohomology and Poitou-Tate Duality  | Seminar | Thu 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Luise Blank | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo 14 - 16 und Mi 10 - 12 | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Jonathan Bowden | Differentialtopologie | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Ulrich Bunke | Non-commutative homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Ulrich Bunke | BA/MA Seminar | Seminar | Di 10-12 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Seminar über Funktionentheorie | Seminar | Di 16-18 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | AG Seminar  | Oberseminar | Freitag 10-12 | BSem, MV | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Algebraic K-theory and localizing invariants  | Vorlesung | Mo 16-18, Fri 16-18 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Georg Dolzmann | Analysis I | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10, Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar Angewandte Mathematik  | Seminar | Di 12-14 | BSem, MV, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Veronika Ertl | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Vorlesung | Di, 8-10 | LA-REG | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Felix Finster | Functional Analysis  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, Wednesday 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Seminar | Thursday 8-10 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical physics"  | Oberseminar | Friday 14:30-16:00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Stefan Friedl | Algebraic topology I  | Vorlesung | Monday, Thursday 8-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Analysis III: Funktionentheorie und Maßtheorie | Vorlesung | Dienstag 8-10 und Freitag 8-10 | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations  | Seminar | Di 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem, CS-B-P 25, CS-M-F | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Walter Gubler | Analysis III für Physiker | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 8-10 | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Walter Gubler | Seminar über laufende Abschhlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Mo 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Marc Hoyois | Motivic homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Fr 12-14 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Marc Hoyois | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di und Fr 10-12 | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Moritz Kerz | Seminar über projektive Geometrie | Seminar | Dienstag 8-10 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Monday 14-16 | BSem, MV | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Moritz Kerz | Algebraic Geometry III  | Vorlesung | Monday 10-12 and Wednesday 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Guido Kings | Introduction to étale cohomology  | Vorlesung | Tue 14 - 16 | MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Guido Kings | Research seminar on arithmetic Geometry  | Oberseminar | Wed 14 - 16 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Guido Kings | BA/MA-Seminar | Seminar | Mi 12-14 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Jakob Werner, Niklas Kipp | Manifolds, Sheaves and Cohomology  | Seminar | Tuesday 16:00 - 18:00 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Dr. Patrik Knopf | Partielle Differentialgleichungen II  | Vorlesung | Lecture: Tuesday 10-12 and Wednesday 10-12, Exercise Group: Wednesday 8-10. | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Balázs Kovács | Algorithmen aus Dem BUCH | Seminar | Mittwochs, 14-16 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Christoph Winges, Han-Ung Kufner | Examenskurs Analysis (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Di 12-14, Mi 16-18 | | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Klaus Künnemann | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 Uhr | BGLA, LA-GyLA, PHY-B-P 2.2, | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14h15-15h45 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Matthias Ludewig | Differentialgeometrie I  | Vorlesung | Mo & Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Stefan Friedl and Clara Löh | LKS-seminar (research seminar on groups and geometric topology)  | Oberseminar | Friday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Clara Löh | Applied Algebraic Topology  | Vorlesung | Tue/Fr 8:30-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Stefan Friedl und Filip Misev | Knotentheorie | Vorlesung | Di 14-16 | MV | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Filip Misev | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Dienstag 10-12 Uhr | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Denis Nardin | Introduction to stable homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Di 10-12 | BV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Marc Hoyois, Denis Nardin | Absolute prismatic cohomology  | Oberseminar | Wed 16-18 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Niko Naumann | Algebraic Number Theory  | Vorlesung | Mo, 12-14 im M104 und Fr., 10-12 im M104 | BAlg(1), BAlg(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Daniel Schäppi und Niko Naumann | Seminar über Serre's problem zu projektiven Moduln | Seminar | Mi., 16-18 Uhr | BSem, MV, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Hoang Kim Nguyen | Logik und Algebra | Seminar | TBA | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Lukas Prader | Lie Groups and Lie Algebras  | Seminar | Last week of semester break (Blockseminar) | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem, Nebenfach Master | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Juliane Krämer (Fakultät für Informatik und Data Science) | Lattice-based Cryptography  | Seminar | Di, 16-18 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Pavel Sechin | Brauer group and Severi-Brauer varieties  | Seminar | Wed 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Donnerstag, 17-19 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Florian Strunk | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Do 12-14 | LA-GHEGES | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Florian Strunk | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie (LGy) | Seminar | Mo 8:30-10:00 Uhr, Mi 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Kevin Li, Clara Löh, Matthias Uschold | Open covers and complexity (à la Lusternik--Schnirelmann)  | Seminar | Wed 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2022 / 23 | Christoph Winges | Simple-homotopy theory and the s-cobordism theorem  | Seminar | Tue 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2022 | Felix Finster, Magdalena Lottner, Sami Abdallah | Proseminar/Seminar Fourierreihen | Proseminar Bachelor, Seminar Lehramt Gymnasium | Mo 14-16 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Helmut Abels | Partial Differential Equations I  | Vorlesung | Mo. 12-14 and Thu. 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2022 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Mo. 8-10 oder Do. 10-12 | BSem | SoSe 2022 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar | Seminar | Mo. 8-10 oder Do. 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Bernd Ammann | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di+Mi 8.15-10.00 | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2022 | Bernd Ammann | Working Group Seminar  | Seminar | Monday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Bernd Ammann | Wave equations on Lorentzian manifolds and Quantization  | Seminar | Thursday 14-16 | BV, BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke / Kira Bangert | Proseminar Analysis | Proseminar | Di 16-18 | BSem | SoSe 2022 | Luise Blank | Optimization II  | Vorlesung | Mo, We 10-12, Exercise class presumably Th12-14 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | SoSe 2022 | Luise Blank | Nonsmooth Optimization  | Seminar | Tue 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Ulrich Bunke | Differential geometry II  | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2022 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | SoSe 2022 | Ulrich Bunke | Morse theory  | Seminar | Fr 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, MGAGeo | SoSe 2022 | Ulrich Bunke | Seminar for BA- and MA-Students  | Seminar | 10-12 Di | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Derived Categories  | Vorlesung | Mo 16-18, Fri 16-18 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2022 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Higher Topoi and Exodromy  | Oberseminar | Do 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar Angewandte Mathematik  | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, MV, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Felix Finster | Partial Differential Equations III  | Vorlesung | Di, Mi 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn | SoSe 2022 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Seminar | Do 8:30-10:00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Felix Finster | Research seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Oberseminar | Fr 14:30-16:00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Stefan Friedl | Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten | Vorlesung | Dienstag und Freitag 8-10 | BAn(2), BV, MGAGeo, MAngAn, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2022 | Stefan Friedl | Topics in topology  | Vorlesung | Monday 8-10 | MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2022 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10 und Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2022 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Evolution Equations  | Seminar | Di 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, Nebenfach Mathemaik | SoSe 2022 | Roberto Gualdi | Toric Geometry  | Vorlesung | Monday, Thursday 8-10. Exercise class Wednesday 14-16 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2022 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2022 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2022 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2022 | Marc Hoyois | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2022 | Moritz Kerz | Algebraic Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 12-14, Thursday 12-14 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2022 | Moritz Kerz | Elliptic curves and the Weil conjectures  | Seminar | Monday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Guido Kings | Elliptic curves, moduli spaces and modular forms II  | Vorlesung | Tue and Thu 14 - 16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2022 | Guido Kings | BA/MA-Seminar | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Künnemann | Research Seminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14h15 - 15h45 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Klaus Künnemann | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 14h15 - 16h00 | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2022 | Clara Löh | Geometric Group Theory  | Vorlesung | Tue/Fr 8:30-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2022 | Clara Löh | Seminar: Thompson Groups  | Seminar | Wed 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Stefan Friedl and Clara Löh | LKS-seminar (research seminar on groups and geometric topology)  | Oberseminar | Friday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2022 | Filip Misev | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2022 | Marc Hoyois, Denis Nardin | Tempered cohomology and equivariant elliptic cohomology  | Oberseminar | Di 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Niko Naumann | Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di., Fr., 10-12 Uhr. | BAlg(2), MArGeo | SoSe 2022 | Denis-Charles Cisinski, Hoang Kim Nguyen | Topoi, Logic and Forcing  | Seminar | TBD | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Lukas Prader | Primzahlen der Form x²+ny² | Seminar | Blockseminar (Termin nach Absprache) | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Han-Ung Kufner, Lukas Prader | Adelic number theory  | Seminar | on a weekly basis during the term (by appointment) | BSem, MV, MSem, Nebenfach Master | SoSe 2022 | Klaus Künnemann, Miriam Prechtel | Seminar über Maßtheorie | Seminar | Di 16h00-17h30 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Georgios Raptis | Homotopical Algebra - Model Categories  | Seminar | Wednesday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2022 | Daniel Schäppi | Kryptographie und elliptische Kurven | Seminar | Mo 16-18 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2022 | Pavel Sechin | Algebraic Topology II  | Vorlesung | Wed 12-14, 16-18 (exercises); Fr 14-16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2022 | Jonathan Bowden, Stefan Stadlöder | Examenskurs Analysis (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Dienstag, 12-14 Uhr, Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | | SoSe 2022 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 12 - 14 | LA-RES | SoSe 2022 | Florian Strunk | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Mo 8:30-10:00 Uhr, Mi 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2022 | Rolf Waldi | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 10-12, Vorbesprechung mit Themenvergabe: Di, 8.2., 10.15 Uhr, M102 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2022 | Christoph Winges | Geometrie für Lehramt Gymnasium | Vorlesung | Dienstag und Freitag 8-10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2022 | Raphael Zentner | Riemannsche Flächen | Vorlesung | Di 12:00 - 14:00, Do 10:00 - 12:00 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Mo 8-10 Uhr | BSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Helmut Abels | Functional analysis  | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14 und Thu 8-10 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03 | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Helmut Abels | Seminar "Nichtlineare Analysis" | Seminar | geplant: Do. 10-12 (kann sich noch ändern) | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Monday 16-18 | BV, BSem, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on Advanced Topics in Geometric Analysis  | Seminar | Thursday 14-16 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Bernd Ammann | Lorentzian geometry (Differential geometry III)  | Vorlesung | Monday and Wednesday 8-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Luise Blank | Optimization I  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, We 10-12, Exercise class presumably Tue 12-14 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Luise Blank | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Di 10-12 | BSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Ulrich Bunke | Differential Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 (time and location of the exercise classes will be announced later) | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Ulrich Bunke | AG Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Ulrich Bunke | Ba/Ma-Seminar | Seminar | Di 10-12 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Derived functors and cohomology through higher categories  | Vorlesung | Mo 16-18, Fri 16-18 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Higher Topoi and Exodromy  | Oberseminar | Do 14-16 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Georg Dolzmann | Partial Differential Equations II  | Vorlesung | Di, Mi 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar Analytische und numerische Methoden für partielle Differentialgleichungen | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Felix Finster | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo 14 - 16 und Mi 10 - 12 | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical Physics"  | Seminar | Do 8-10 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical physics"  | Oberseminar | Fr 14:30-16:00 | MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Stefan Friedl | Analysis III: Funktionentheorie und Maßtheorie | Vorlesung | Dienstag 8-10 und Freitag 8-10 | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Stefan Friedl | Topics in topology  | Vorlesung | Monday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Analysis I | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10, Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Nonlinear partial differential equations  | Seminar | Dienstag 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Walter Gubler | Arakelov Geometry  | Vorlesung | Tuesaday, Thursday 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Walter Gubler | Seminar über laufende Abschlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Mo 12-14 | BV, BSem, MV | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Marc Hoyois | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Marc Hoyois | Introduction to stable homotopy theory  | Seminar | Thursday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Guido Kings | Elliptic curves, moduli spaces and modular forms I  | Vorlesung | Tue and Fri 14 - 16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Walter Gubler and Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14.15-16.00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Matthias Ludewig | Analysis III für Physiker | Vorlesung | Mo 8-10, Do 8-10 | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Clara Löh | Algebraic Topology I  | Vorlesung | Tue/Fri 8--10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Clara Löh | Proof Lab: Simplicial Topology  | Seminar | Wed 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Stefan Friedl and Clara Löh | LKS-seminar  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Filip Misev | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Dienstag 12-14 Uhr und Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Marc Hoyois, Denis Nardin | Derived algebraic cobordism  | Oberseminar | TBD | MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Niko Naumann | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di. und Fr. 10-12 Uhr | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Hoang Kim Nguyen | Angewandte Kategorientheorie | Seminar | Mitwoch 12-14 Uhr | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Research seminar on global analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Georgios Raptis | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Di 12-14 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Ana Botero, Daniel Schaeppi | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Vorlesung | Mo 8-10, Mi 12-14 | LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Pavel Sechin | Brauer group and Severi-Brauer varieties  | Seminar | Fridays, exact time to be determined at the first meeting on 16.07 at 14.15 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Donnerstag, 17-19 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Florian Strunk | Algebraic Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Di und Do 12-14 Uhr | BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Florian Strunk | Eine Einführung in die Algebraische K-Theorie / An introduction to Algebraic K-Theory  | Seminar | Mi 14-16 Uhr | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Rolf Waldi | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 10-12, Vorbesprechung mit Themenvergabe: Di, 6.7., 18-19 Uhr, H 31 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Jakob Werner | Elliptische Kurven in der Kryptografie | Seminar | Dienstag, 16:15 – 17:45. Vorbesprechung: Dienstag, 13.07.2021 um 16:15 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Ulrich Bunke/Christoph Winges | Lie algebras and groups  | Seminar | Mo 14-16 (Organisational meeting 5.7. 16:00: Online in Zoom https://uni-regensburg.zoom.us/j/7601042838?pwd=bUVEaHhuY01abmo4T3Fza1NZMEVNUT09) | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2021 / 22 | Claudius Zibrowius | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Vorlesung | dienstags 8-10 | LA-REG | SoSe 2021 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2021 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | nach Vereinbarung | BSem | SoSe 2021 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | by appointment | MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Helmut Abels | Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten | Vorlesung | Di. 8 - 10 Uhr und Fr. 8 - 10 Uhr | BAn(2), BV, CS-B-Math1, PHY-B-WE 03, MAngAn, MGAGeo, Phy-M-VE 03, Veranstaltung kann auch in LA-GyGeo anerkannt werden | SoSe 2021 | Helmut Abels | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Dienstag 14 - 16 Uhr und Donnerstag 10 - 12 Uhr | BGLA, LA-GyLA, Phy-B-P-2 | SoSe 2021 | Bernd Ammann | Differential Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Monday and Wednesday 8-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2021 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Mo 14-16 | BV, BSem, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar: The h-principle  | Seminar | Tuesday 16-18 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Luise Blank | Proseminar für das erste Semester, Kryptographie | Proseminar | voraussichtlich Di 10-12 | BSem | SoSe 2021 | Luise Blank | Optimale Steuerung/Optimal Control  | Vorlesung | Mon, Wed 10-12 (Exercise class probably Wed 14-16 via Zoom) | BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, | SoSe 2021 | Luise Blank | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Do 10-12 | BSem | SoSe 2021 | Jonathan Bowden | Proseminar Analysis und Geometrie | Proseminar | Blockveranstaltung in der letzten Septemberwoche (26. Sep-1. Okt) im Präsenz, sofern möglich. | BSem | SoSe 2021 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar (Homotopy Theory and related Areas)  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | SoSe 2021 | Ulrich Bunke | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Do 14-16 | BPraMa(1), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2021 | Ulrich Bunke | Bachelor Seminar | Seminar | nach Vereinbarung | BSem | SoSe 2021 | Georg Dolzmann | Partielle Differentialgleichungen I  | Vorlesung | Di, Mi 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, PHY-B-WE03, PHY-M-VE03 | SoSe 2021 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis | Seminar | Mi 8-10 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2021 | Georg Dolzmann | Bachelorseminar Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis | Bachelorseminar | Mi 8-10 | BSem | SoSe 2021 | Georg Dolzmann | Bachelorseminar Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie | Bachelorseminar | Di 14-16 | BSem | SoSe 2021 | Daniel Schäppi und Veronika Ertl | Mathematik und Zaubern | Proseminar | Do 14-16 ct | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2021 | Felix Finster | PDE 3 "An introduction to causal fermion systems"  | Vorlesung | Di, Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn | SoSe 2021 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical physics"  | Seminar | Di 8-10 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Felix Finster | Oberseminar "Mathematical physics"  | Oberseminar | Fr 14:30-16:00 | MSem | SoSe 2021 | Felix Finster | Selected topics in causal variational principles  | Seminar | Mo 14-16 | BV, BSem, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Stefan Friedl | topics in topology  | Vorlesung | Monday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2021 | Stefan Friedl | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 8-10 und Freitag 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2021 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di + Mi 8 - 10h | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2021 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Evolutionsgleichungen  | Seminar | Tuesday 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Helmut Abels, Luise Blank, Georg Dolzmann, Felix Finster, Harald Garcke | Oberseminar Analysis  | Oberseminar | Fr 10-12 | | SoSe 2021 | Walter Gubler | Perfectoid Spaces  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, Thursday 8--10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2021 | Walter Gubler | Zahlentheorie  | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2021 | Walter Gubler | Seminar über laufende Abschlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Mo 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2021 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2021 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2021 | Marc Hoyois | Topological K-theory  | Seminar | tba | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Marc Hoyois | Riemannsche Flächen | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10, Do 8-10 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2021 | Moritz Kerz | Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di 10-12, Do 10-12 | BAlg(2), MArGeo | SoSe 2021 | Guido Kings | Cohomology of sheaves II  | Vorlesung | Tue and Thu 14 - 16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2021 | Balázs Kovács | Numerik II  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Mi 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, RZ-M 04, RZ-M33, RZ-M61, Phy-M-VE03, CS-B-Math3, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2021 | Klaus Kuennemann | Non-Archimedean Analytic geometry  | Vorlesung | Monday, Thursday 10h15-12h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2021 | Walter Gubler and Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 14h15 -15h45 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Christoph Langer | Proseminar Einführung in die Mengenlehre | Proseminar | Do, 14-16 Uhr s.t. | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2021 | Stefan Friedl and Clara Löh | LKS-seminar  | Seminar | Tuesday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Clara Löh | Geometrie für Lehramt Gymnasium | Vorlesung | Di 8--10, Fr 8--10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2021 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2021 | Filip Misev | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2021 | Michael Fleig, Yassin Mousa | Medien und Zahlen | fakultätsübergreifendes Seminar | Do, 16-18 c.t. | Wahlbereich | SoSe 2021 | Marc Hoyois, Denis Nardin | Hermitian K-theory of rings  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 14-16 | MV | SoSe 2021 | Niko Naumann | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo und Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2021 | Hoang Kim Nguyen | Higher Category Theory II  | Vorlesung | Di 14-16, Fr 14-16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2021 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis Semester  | Oberseminar | Wednesday 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Lukas Prader | Theta functions, complex abelian varieties and moduli spaces  | Seminar | by appointment | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Lukas Prader | Kettenbrüche | Seminar | nach Absprache | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2021 | Han-Ung Kufner, Georgios Raptis | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Mo 10-12, Mi 12-14 | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2021 | Georgios Raptis | Topics in Homotopy Theory  | Seminar | Mi 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Daniel Schäppi | Monads and their applications II  | Vorlesung | Wed 10-12 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2021 | Pavel Sechin | Algebraic Topology II  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 12-14, Thursday 12-14 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2021 | Pavel Sechin | Algebraic surfaces  | Seminar | tba | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Christoph Winges, Stefan Stadlöder | Examenskurs Analysis (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Dienstag, 12-14 Uhr, Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | | SoSe 2021 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 12 - 14 | LA-RES | SoSe 2021 | Klaus Kuennemann and Jakob Werner | Seminar Tropical Geometry  | Seminar | Tuesday 16h15-17h45 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2021 | Christoph Winges | Algebraic K-theory and the Wall finiteness obstruction  | Vorlesung | Fri 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2021 | Sebastian Wolf | Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups  | Seminar | tba | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2021 | Raphael Zentner | Introduction to instanton gauge theory  | Vorlesung | Do 10-12 Uhr, Übungen/Exercise class Di 14-16 Uhr | MV | SoSe 2021 | Raphael Zentner | Topics in gauge theory  | Seminar | Mi 14-16 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Denis Charles-Cisinski and Claudia Scheimbauer (TUM) | Joint Seminar TUM/UR on Homotopy Type Theory  | Oberseminar | To be determined | MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | nach Vereinbarung | BSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | by appointment | MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Helmut Abels | AnalysisIII: Maß- und Funktionentheorie | Vorlesung | Di und Fr. 8-10h | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Luise Blank | Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen/Numerical methods for partial differential equations  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Mi 10-12, Übung voraussichtlich Mo 16-18 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Luise Blank | Iterative Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme | Seminar | Do 10-12 vor. als Präsenzveranstaltung | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Ulrich Bunke | Introduction to coarse geometry  | Vorlesung | Di, Fr, 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Ulrich Bunke | AG Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Ulrich Bunke | C*-algebras and categories  | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14 (may be shifted on demand) | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, MAngAn | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Denis Charles-Cisinski | Higher Category Theory  | Vorlesung | Monday, 14-16h and Friday 14-16h | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | The Geometry of Schemes  | Seminar | Tuesday 16-18 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Georg Dolzmann | Funktionalanalysis | Vorlesung | Di 10-12, Mi 10-12 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03 | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Georg Dolzmann | Vorlesung: Finite Elemente in der Kontinuumsmechanik II | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, RZ-M 04, RZ-M 61, Phy-M-VE03, CS-B-Math3, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie/Finanzmathematik | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Felix Finster | Partial differential equations II  | Vorlesung | Di 8 - 10, Mi 8 - 10 | BV, MV, MAngAn | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical physics"  | Seminar | Do 8-10 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Stefan Friedl | Analysis I | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 8-12 und Freitag 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Stefan Friedl | Topics in topology  | Vorlesung | Monday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Helmut Abels, Luise Blank, Georg Dolzmann, Felix Finster, Harald Garcke | Oberseminar Analysis  | Oberseminar | Fr 10-12 | | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Harald Garcke | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo 14 - 16 und Mi 10 - 12 | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, LA-GyNum, BPraMa1, LGyNum, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Harald Garcke | Phasenfeldgleichungen  | Seminar | Dienstag 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Walter Gubler | Algebraic Number Theory  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, Thursday: 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Walter Gubler | Local fields and class field theory  | Seminar | Thursday 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Walter Gubler | Seminar ueber laufende Abschlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Mo 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Marc Hoyois | de Rham cohomology  | Seminar | Di 8-10 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Marc Hoyois | Algebraic Topology I  | Vorlesung | Mi 10-12, Fr 08-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Moritz Kerz | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di 10-12, Mi 8-10 | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Cohomology of sheaves I  | Vorlesung | Tue and Thu 14 - 16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Klaus Kuennemann | Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Monday, Thursday 10h15 - 12h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 14h15 -15h45 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Klaus Kuennemann | Seminar Selected Topics from Algebraic Geometry  | Seminar | Tuesday 16h15-17h45 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Lukas Lewark | Analysis III für Physik | Vorlesung | Di 10 - 12, Mi 10 - 12 | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Jonathan Glöckle, Matthias Ludewig | Seminar: Lie groups, Lie algebras and their representations  | Seminar | Wednesday 16-18 | BV, BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Bernd Ammann, Matthias Ludewig | s-cobordism theorem and surgery theory  | Seminar | Monday 16-18 | MV, MSem, MGAGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Clara Löh | Differential Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Wed 8:30--10:00, Thu 10:15--12:00 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Stefan Friedl and Clara Löh | LKS-Seminar | Seminar | Tuesday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Filip Misev | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Dienstag 12-14 Uhr und Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Moritz Kerz, Yassin Mousa | Arithmetik quadratischer Formen | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Denis Nardin | Introduction to stable homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Monday 10-12, Thursday 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Marc Hoyois, Denis Nardin | Hermitian K-theory for stable infinity-categories  | Oberseminar | Di 14-16 | MV | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Niko Naumann | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Felix Finster and Marco Oppio | Causal variational principles and causal fermion systems  | Seminar | Mo 14-16 | BV, BSem, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Lukas Prader | Transzendente Zahlen und Modulformen | Seminar | nach Absprache | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Stefan Friedl, Lars Munser, Jose-Pedro Quintanilha | L^2-invariants  | Seminar | Wednesday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Georgios Raptis | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Di 12-14 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Georgios Raptis | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | nach Vereinbarung | BSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Bernd Ammann, Matthias Ludewig, Jonathan Glöckle, Julian Seipel, Roman Schießl | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Monday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Johannes Sprang | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 8-10 | LA-REG | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Donnerstag, 17-19 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2020 / 21 | Florian Strunk | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | montags 8:30-10:00 Uhr, mittwochs 12:15-13:45 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2020 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2020 | Helmut Abels | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mi. 8 - 10 Uhr und Fr. 12 - 14 Uhr | BGAna, LA-GyAn, PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2020 | Helmut Abels | Proseminar Analysis | Proseminar | Mo. 8 - 10 Uhr | BSem | SoSe 2020 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Fr., 8-10h | MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Fr., 8-10h | BSem | SoSe 2020 | Bernd Ammann | Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (Analysis IV) | Vorlesung | Di 8-10 und Fr 8-10 | BAn(2), BV, in besonderen Fällen auch als LGyGeo (nachfragen), CS-B-P 17 | SoSe 2020 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Monday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Bernd Ammann | Fourier-Analyse, Fourier-Transformation und Distributionen  | Seminar | Di 16-18 | BV, BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2020 | Bernd Ammann | s-cobordism theorem and surgery theory  | Seminar | Monday 16-18 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Luise Blank | Numerik II (Numerical methods II)  | Vorlesung | Monday 14-16, Wednesday 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | SoSe 2020 | Luise Blank | Proseminar für das erste Semester | Proseminar | Di: 16-18 | BSem | SoSe 2020 | Jonathan Bowden | An introduction to contact topology and foliations  | Vorlesung | Thursday 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | MV | SoSe 2020 | Denis Charles-Cisinski | Condensed/Pyknotic Mathematics  | Oberseminar | Thursday, 10 - 12 h | MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Vorlesung Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10h-12h | BAlg(2) | SoSe 2020 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | AG-Seminar | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Georg Dolzmann | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 14-16 | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2020 | Georg Dolzmann | Vorlesung: Finite Elemente in der Kontinuumsmechanik I | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, RZ-M 04, RZ-M 61, Phy-M-VE03, CS-B-Math3, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2020 | Felix Finster | Partial differential equations I  | Vorlesung | Di, Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn | SoSe 2020 | Felix Finster | Working seminar "Mathematical physics"  | Seminar | Do 8-10 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Stefan Friedl | More topics in topology  | Vorlesung | Monday 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Stefan Friedl | Geometrie für Lehramt Gymnasium | Vorlesung | Dienstag und Freitag 8-10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2020 | Helmut Abels, Luise Blank, Georg Dolzmann, Felix Finster, Harald Garcke | Oberseminar Analysis  | Oberseminar | Fr 10-12 | | SoSe 2020 | Harald Garcke | Mathematische Modellierung / Mathematical Modeling  | Vorlesung | Di. 14-16, Do. 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2020 | Harald Garcke | Modellierung mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen / Modeling with PDEs | Seminar | Tuesday 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Walter Gubler | Diophantine Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Di, Do: 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2020 | Walter Gubler | Elliptic Curves  | Seminar | Do: 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2020 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 12 - 14 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2020 | Marc Hoyois | Algebraic K-theory  | Vorlesung | Mi 08-10, Fr 08-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Marc Hoyois | A1-invariance in algebraic geometry  | Seminar | Mi 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Moritz Kerz | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo und Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2020 | Moritz Kerz | Proseminar Zahlentheorie | Proseminar | Do 14-16 | BSem | SoSe 2020 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Mo 16-18 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Adeel Khan | Descent in algebraic K-theory  | Vorlesung | 27.7 - 31.7, see schedule on web page | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Patrik Knopf | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Di. 12-14 Uhr und Mi. 14-16 Uhr | | SoSe 2020 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Algebraic Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10h15 - 12h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2020 | Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler, Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14h15 - 15h45 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Han-Ung Kufner | The Weil Conjectures  | Seminar | Wed 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Künnemann | Seminar Algebraic Geometry  | Seminar | Di 16h00 - 17h30 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Matthias Ludewig | C*-Algebras and K-Theory  | Vorlesung | Mo 8-10 and 1h/week Exercises (Time?)
First Lecture: Mo 20th April | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Stefan Friedl und Clara Löh | LKS-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Donnerstag 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Clara Löh | Ergodic Theory of Groups  | Vorlesung | Tue 10--12, Wed 8:30--10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | César Martínez | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di. und Mi., 8 - 10h | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2020 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2020 | Filip Misev | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2020 | Moritz Kerz, Yassin Mousa | Quadratische Formen | Seminar | Do 16-18 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2020 | Niko Naumann | Differential Galois Theory  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, 10 am. | BAlg(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2020 | Hoang Kim Nguyen | Algebraic Topology II  | Vorlesung | Di 14-16, Fr 12-14 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Felix Finster and Marco Oppio | Introduction to causal variational principles  | Seminar | Mo 14-16 | BV, BSem, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2020 | Daniel Heiss, Georgios Raptis | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Mo 8-10, Mi 12-14 | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2020 | Georgios Raptis | Katastrophentheorie / Catastrophe Theory (Singularitäten differenzierbarer Abbildungen) | Seminar | Mi 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2020 | Daniel Schaeppi | Algebraische Gruppen  | Vorlesung | Di, Do 14.00-16.00 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2020 | Johannes Sprang | Einführung in die transzendente Zahlentheorie | Vorlesung | Mi 16-18 | BV, MV | SoSe 2020 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 12 - 14 | LA-RES | SoSe 2020 | Georg Tamme | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Di 14-16, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2020 | Marc Hoyois, Maria Yakerson | Integral homotopy theory  | Oberseminar | Di 14-16 | MV | SoSe 2020 | Raphael Zentner | Riemannsche Flächen | Vorlesung | Di, Do 12-14 Uhr | BAn(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2020 | Raphael Zentner | Topics in 3-manifold topology III  | Seminar | Mi 14-16 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Helmut Abels | Analysis I | Vorlesung | Mi, 8 - 10 Uhr und Fr, 12 - 14 Uhr | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Block course on Mo, 7.10.2019 at 9 h | MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Helmut Abels | Numerische und Angewandte Analysis | Seminar | Fr., 8-10 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Bernd Ammann | Analysis III: Maß- und Funktionentheorie | Vorlesung | Di+Fr 8-10 | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Monday 14-16 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar: Boundary value problems for Dirac operators  | Seminar | Tuesday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Luise Blank | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo 14 - 16 und Mi 10 - 12 | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, LA-GyNum, BPraMa1, LGyNum, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Luise Blank | Bachelor- und Masterarbeitenseminar | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, MV | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Ulrich Bunke | Algebraische Topologie I  | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar | Vorlesung | Do 12-14 | | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Denis Charles-Cisinski | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, 10 - 12 Uhr und Fr, 10 - 12 Uhr | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Denis Charles-Cisinski | Motivic sheaves  | Oberseminar | Mo, 10 - 12 h | MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Georg Dolzmann | Vorlesung: Partielle Differentialgleichungen II/Partial Differential Equations II  | Vorlesung | Di, Mi 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar: Angewandte Matheamtik und Modellierung | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Georg Dolzmann | Bachelorseminar | Bachelorseminar | Di 14-16 | | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Veronika Ertl | Analysis III für Physiker | Vorlesung | Mo. und Do., jeweils 8 - 10 | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Felix Finster | Funktionalanalysis  | Vorlesung | Di 8-10 (H 32), Mi 8-10 (M 104) | BAn(2), BV, MV, MAngAn | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Felix Finster | Working-Seminar "Mathematische Physik"  | Seminar | Do 8-10 | BV, MV | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Stefan Friedl | Topics in topology  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Stefan Friedl | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Vorlesung | Dienstag 8-10 | LA-REG | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Walter Gubler | Diophantine Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Di, Do: 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Walter Gubler | Arakelov theory on arithmetic curves  | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Drew Heard | Unstable modules over the Steenrod algebra and the Sullivan conjecture  | Vorlesung | Mi., 8-10 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 12 - 14 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Moritz Kerz | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Moritz Kerz | AG Seminar  | Oberseminar | Mo 16-18 | MV | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Adeel Khan | Algebraic K-theory and intersection theory  | Vorlesung | Wednesdays 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Di 14 - 16, Do 10 - 12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Algebraic Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10h15 - 12h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Seminar on Convex and Toric Geometry  | Seminar | Di 16h00 - 17h30 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler, Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14h15 - 15h45 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Han-Ung Kufner | Étale Cohomology  | Seminar | Mi 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Lukas Lewark | Knot Theory  | Vorlesung | Wednesday 12-14 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh | LKS seminar  | Seminar | Friday 10-12 | BV, BSem, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Harald Garcke, Patrik Knopf, Julia Menzel | Nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations  | Seminar | Mo. 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Marco Moraschini | Bounded cohomology and simplicial volume  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz, Johann Haas, Yassin Mousa | Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen | Seminar | Donnerstag 10-12 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Niko Naumann | Seminar über Lie-Algebren | Seminar | Mi. 10-12 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Niko Naumann | Stochastische Prozesse | Vorlesung | Do, 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Ulrich Bunke/Kin Nguyen | Mathematische Logik und Kategorientheorie | Seminar | Mi 16 - 18 | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Felix Finster, Marco Oppio | Variational Methods in Mathematical Physics  | Seminar | Mo 14-16 | BV, BSem, MV | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Kevin Francois, Mihaela Pilca | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Di. 12-14 Uhr und Mi. 14-16 Uhr | | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Georgios Raptis | Topics in Higher Category Theory  | Seminar | Tuesday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Daniel Schäppi | Monads and their applications  | Vorlesung | Wednesday, 12-14; Friday, 14-16 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch, 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Hoang Kim Nguyen, Florian Strunk | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | TBA | LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Moritz Kerz, Georg Tamme | Prismatic Cohomology  | Oberseminar | Di 14-16 | MV | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Bernd Ammann, Raphael Zentner | Seminar on the h-cobordism theorem  | Seminar | Monday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Raphael Zentner | Blockseminar Riemannsche Flächen | Seminar | 15.11. 12 Uhr bis 16.11. 18 Uhr | BSem, MSem | WiSe 2019 / 20 | Raphael Zentner | Topics in 3-manifold topology  | Seminar | We 14-16 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2019 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Fr, 8 - 10h | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Helmut Abels | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di + Mi 8 - 10h | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2019 | Helmut Abels | Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen/Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations  | Vorlesung | Mo., 12-14 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, RZ-M 04, RZ-M33, RZ-M61, Phy-M-VE03, CS-B-Math3, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2019 | Bernd Ammann | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mi 8.15-10.00 und Fr 12.15-14.00 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11 | SoSe 2019 | Bernd Ammann | Proseminar zu den Grundlagen der Mathematik | Proseminar | Mo 16-18 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Mo 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on Analytic K-Homology  | Seminar | Tuesday 14.15-16.00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Luise Blank | Optimierung II  | Vorlesung | Mo. 14-16; Mi. 10-12, Übung voraussichtlich Di. 12-14 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | SoSe 2019 | Luise Blank | Projektionsverfahren und verallgemeinerte Methoden | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Ulrich Bunke | Assembly maps and coarse geometry | Vorlesung | Do 10-12 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2019 | Ulrich Bunke | Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (Analysis IV) | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 8-10 | BAn(2) | SoSe 2019 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo und Do 10 - 12 Uhr | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2019 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Motivic sheaves  | Oberseminar | Do, 14 - 16 Uhr | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | K-theory of finite fields  | Seminar | Mi, 10 - 12 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen | Proseminar | Mo, 12 - 14 Uhr | BSem | SoSe 2019 | Georg Dolzmann | Vorlesung: Partielle Differentialgleichungen I  | Vorlesung | Di, Mi 10-12 | BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, PHY-B-WE03, PHY-M-VE03 | SoSe 2019 | Georg Dolzmann | Bachelorseminar | Bachelorseminar | Di 14-16 | BSem | SoSe 2019 | Alexander Engel | Differentialgeometrie II  | Vorlesung | Di 10-12, Do 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2019 | Stefan Friedl | Geometrie (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Vorlesung | Di 8-10 und Fr 8-10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2019 | Stefan Friedl | Algebraic topology IV.5  | Vorlesung | Monday 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Partielle Differentialgleichungen III: Cahn-Hilliard Gleichungen  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Seminar Probleme mit freiem Rand | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, CS-B-P 25, CS-M-F | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem | SoSe 2019 | Walter Gubler | Algebraic Number Theory II  | Vorlesung | Monday, Wednesday: 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2019 | Walter Gubler | Zahlentheorie | Seminar | Mo. 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Walter Gubler | Seminar ueber laufende Abschlussarbeiten | Seminar | Mi 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2019 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2019 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Proseminar | Mo 16 - 18 | LA-REG, LA-LRZSG | SoSe 2019 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LA-LGHZSG | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Di 14 - 16, Do 10 - 12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Perioden von Modulformen/Periods of Modular Forms  | Seminar | Mo 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Johann Haas, Han-Ung Kufner | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Montag 8-10 Uhr, Mittwoch 12-14 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Künnemann | Vorlesung Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10h15-12h00 | BAlg(2) | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler, Prof. Dr. Klaus Künnemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Di 14h15 - 15h45 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Künnemann | Seminar über nicht-archimedische Geometrie | Seminar | Di 16h00-17h30 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Markus Land | Infinity-Categories  | Vorlesung | Monday, 8-10, Thursday, 14-16 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2019 | Christoph Langer | Proseminar für Studienanfänger | Proseminar | Do, 16-18 Uhr s.t. | BSem | SoSe 2019 | Clara Löh | Group Cohomology  | Vorlesung | Mo 10--12; Thu 10--12 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2019 | Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh | LKS seminar | Seminar | Friday 10-12 | BV, BSem, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Farid Madani | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi. 16-18 | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2019 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2019 | Niko Naumann | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo und Do jeweils 14-16 Uhr, ACHTUNG: Beginn ist der 25.4.2019 | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2019 | Felix Finster, Marco Oppio | Curvature in Differential Geometry and General Relativity  | Seminar | Wednesday 8:30-10:00 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Felix Finster, Marco Oppio | Working-Seminar "Mathematische Physik"  | Seminar | Thursday 8:30-10:00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Georgios Raptis | Simple homotopy theory and Whitehead groups  | Seminar | Dienstag 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Michael Gößwein, Stefan Stadlöder | Examenskurs Analysis (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Seminar | Dienstag, 12-14 Uhr, Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | LA-GyAn | SoSe 2019 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 12 - 14 | LA-RES | SoSe 2019 | Florian Strunk | Einführung in die Graphen- und Berechenbarkeitstheorie | Seminar /Proseminar | Mittwochs, 10-12 Uhr | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Georg Tamme | Perfectoid spaces  | Vorlesung | Tuesday-Thursday 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2019 | Clara Löh, Florian Strunk, Johannes Witzig | Mathematical Literacy: Cryptocurrencies  | Seminar | Wed 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2019 | Felix Eberhart und Raphael Zentner | Morse theory  | Seminar | Fr 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Raphael Zentner | Riemannsche Flächen | Vorlesung | Di, Do 12-14 Uhr | BAn(2), BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2019 | Raphael Zentner | Topics in 3-manifold topology | Seminar | Do 14-16 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2019 | Yigeng Zhao | Seminar über p-adische Analysis | Seminar | Fr, 14-16 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Helmut Abels | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo., 14 - 16h und Mi., 10 - 12h | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, CS-B-P16, RZ-M61, RZ-M33, PHY-B-WE03, PHY-M-VE03 | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Helmut Abels | Operatorhalbgruppen und Evolutionsgleichungen/Operator Semigroups and Evolution Equations  | Vorlesung | Friday, 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Mo., 8 - 10h | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Bernd Ammann | Analysis I | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10 in H 17, Fr 12-14 (oder Fr 8-10) in H 32 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Tuesday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on Analytic k-Homology  | Seminar | Mo 16-18 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Bernd Ammann | Yamabe-Problem and positive mass theorem  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, MAngAn | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Luise Blank | Optimierung I  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Mi 10-12, Übung voraussichtlich Di 12-14 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Luise Blank | Nichtglatte Optimierung  | Seminar | Di 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Karsten Bohlen | Differentialgeometrie | Vorlesung | Mo und Fr 14-16; Erster Termin: 22.10.2018 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Ulrich Bunke | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 10-12 | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | MV | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Montag, 10 - 12 Uhr und Donnerstag 10 - 12 Uhr | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Motivic Sheaves  | Oberseminar | Thursday 14 - 16 h | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Homotopical Methods  | Seminar | Mittwoch 10 - 12 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Georg Dolzmann | Funktionalanalysis | Vorlesung | Di 10-12, Mi 10-12 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03 | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar Angewandte Mathematik | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Alexander Engel | Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants  | Seminar | Di 8-10 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Veronika Ertl | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Montag 8-10 Uhr, Mittwoch 12-14 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Felix Finster | Analysis III: Maß- und Funktionentheorie | Vorlesung | Di und Fr, 8-10 Uhr | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Felix Finster | Working-Seminar "Mathematische Physik"  | Seminar | Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Felix Finster | Seminar "Hyperbolische Differentialgleichungen"  | Seminar | Do 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Partielle Differentialgleichungen II/Partial Differential Equations II  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Di 14-16 | BSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Nichtlineare elliptische und parabolische Gleichungen | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, CS-B-P 25, CS-M-F | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Walter Gubler | Matroide  | Seminar | Montag, 12-14 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Walter Gubler | Algebraic Number Theory I  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, Thursday: 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12, Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 8 - 10 | LA-REG | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LGHZSG | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Stefan Friedl and Gerrit Herrmann | Classical homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Moritz Kerz | Analysis III für Physiker | Vorlesung | Mo. und Do., jeweils 8 - 10 | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Modulformen/Modular forms  | Vorlesung | Di und Do 14 - 16 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Automorphe Formen und Darstellungstheorie / Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory  | Seminar | Do 16 - 18 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler, Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Tue 14h15 - 15h45 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Seminar on Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry  | Seminar | Tue 16h00 - 17h30 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo 10h15-12h00, Die 12h15-14h00 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Markus Land | Introduction to higher categories  | Vorlesung | Mo 16-18, Do 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Clara Löh | Algebraic Topology  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Thu 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Clara Löh | Seminar: Topology vs. Combinatorics  | Seminar | Wed 8:30-10:00 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Holger Leuz, Clara Löh | Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis  | Seminar | Mo 12:30--14:00 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh | LKS-Seminar | Oberseminar | Fri, 10:00--12:00 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Farid Madani | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Dienstag 12-14 und Mittwoch 14-16 | | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Bernd Ammann, Niko Naumann | Seminar on positive scalar curvature and bordism  | Seminar | Tuesday 14.15 to 16.00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Bernd Ammann Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Daniel Schäppi | Infinity Categories for the Working Mathematician  | Seminar | Tuesday 16.00-18.00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mittwoch, 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Florian Strunk | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Proseminar | tba | LA-REG, LA-LRZSG | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Florian Strunk | An introduction to A1-homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Mo 10 - 12 | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Stefan Friedl, Gerrit Herrmann, Jose Pedro Quintanilha, Enrico Toffoli | Knot theory  | Seminar | Thursday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2018 / 19 | Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz; Morten Lüders; Dr. Yigeng Zhao | Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen | Proseminar | Do. 12-14 | BSem, LA-GySem, MSem (nur bei geeigneten Vorträgen), MV (nur bei geeigneten Vorträgen) | SoSe 2018 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2018 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Friday, 8-10 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Bernd Ammann | Das Yamabe-Problem/The Yamabe problem  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Fr 12-14, Exercises Tuesday 16-18 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, MAngAn | SoSe 2018 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Tuesday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Luise Blank | Numerik zu partiellen Differentialgleichungen/ Numerical methods for partial differential equations  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Mi 10-12, Übung voraussichtlich Di 10-12, M104 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | SoSe 2018 | Nobuhiko Otoba, Bernd Ammann, Karsten Bohlen | Bifurcation Theory and its applications  | Vorlesung | Thursday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, MAngAn | SoSe 2018 | Ulrich Bunke | Lineare Algebra 2 | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12 Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2018 | Ulrich Bunke | Mathematik und Zaubertricks | Proseminar | Di 14-16 | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | MV | SoSe 2018 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Algebraische Topologie 2 | Vorlesung | Di 12-14, Fr 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2018 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Motivic sheaves  | Oberseminar | Do 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Denis-Charles Cisinski, Christian Dahlhausen | Derived Categories and sheaf cohomology  | Seminar | Wed 10-12 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Georg Dolzmann | Analysis auf Mannigfaltigkeiten (Analysis IV) | Vorlesung | Di, Fr 8-10 | BAn(2), CS-B-Math1, PHY-B-WE 03 | SoSe 2018 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar zu laufenden Abschlussarbeiten | Seminar | Di 14-16 in M103 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Dr. Alexander Engel | Proseminar für Studienanfänger | Proseminar | Do 8-10 | BSem | SoSe 2018 | Felix Finster | Fourierreihen | Proseminar | wird noch bekannt gegeben | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Felix Finster | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10, Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2018 | Felix Finster | Working-Seminar "Mathematische Physik"  | Seminar | Di 10-12 | BV, MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Stefan Friedl | Geometrie (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Vorlesung | Di 8-10 und Fr 8-10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2018 | Stefan Friedl | Algebraic Topology III 1/2  | Vorlesung | Monday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Partielle Differentialgleichungen I / Partial Differential Equations I  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Mi 8-10 | BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, PHY-B-WE03, PHY-M-VE03 | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Angewandte Analysis | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, CS-B-P 25, CS-M-F | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Di 16-18 | BSem | SoSe 2018 | Walter Gubler | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di. und Mi., 8-10h | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2018 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10-12, Do 12-14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2018 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LG, LM) | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LGHZSG | SoSe 2018 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik (LG,LM) | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LGHZSG | SoSe 2018 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie (LR) | Proseminar | Mo 16 - 18 | LA-REG, LA-LRZSG | SoSe 2018 | Uwe Jannsen | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10 - 12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2018 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Montag, 14-16 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Florian Strunk, Moritz Kerz | Algebraische Geometrie II/Algebraic Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2018 | Adeel Khan | The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem  | Vorlesung | Thursday 16-18 | MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Elliptische Kurven und Theta-Funktionen | Seminar | Mo 10 - 12 Uhr | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry II  | Vorlesung | Mon, Thu 8h15 - 10h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Walter Gubler, Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie  | Oberseminar | Tue 14h15 - 15h45 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuennemann | Seminar on Potential Theory on the Berkovich Projective Line  | Seminar | Mon 14h15-15h45 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Stefan Friedl und Clara Löh | LKS-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Thursday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Clara Löh | Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di/Fr 10:00--12:00 | BAlg(2) | SoSe 2018 | Clara Löh | Endliche Approximation von Gruppen | Seminar | Mi 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2018 | Bogdan Matioc | Elementare Zahlentheorie (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 16-18 | LA-GHREZ | SoSe 2018 | Niko Naumann | Ausgewählte Kapitel der Arithmetischen Geometrie  | Vorlesung | Di, 10 - 12 | BAlg(2), MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2018 | Bernd Ammann, Niko Naumann | Seminar on positive scalar curvature and bordism  | Seminar | Tuesday 14.15 to 16.00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Niko Naumann | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Fr 14 - 16 | BSem | SoSe 2018 | Justin Noel | Topics in Machine Learning / Themen im Maschinellen Lernen  | Seminar | Mo. 16 - 18 | BSem, MV, MSem, RZ-M 04, RZ M 61; RZ M 33.1 | SoSe 2018 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Matan Prasma | Simplicial homotopy theory  | Vorlesung | Fri, 4-6 pm | MV, MArGeo, MGAGeo | SoSe 2018 | Justin Noel / Georgios Raptis | (Infinity, n)-Categories  | Seminar | Tuesday 16:00-18:00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Ulrich Bunke, Georgios Raptis | Homotopietheorie - Seminar zu laufenden Masterarbeiten | Seminar | Wednesday 16-18 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Daniel Schäppi | Brauer groups  | Vorlesung | Wed and Fri, 4-6 pm | BV, MV, MArGeo, LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2018 | Helene Sigloch, Johannes Sprang | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Montag 8-10 Uhr, Mittwoch 12-14 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2018 | Maximilian Rauchecker und Stefan Stadlöder | Examenskurs Analysis (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Vorlesung | Dienstag, 12-14 Uhr, Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | LA-GyAn | SoSe 2018 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 12-14 | LA-RES | SoSe 2018 | Georg Tamme | Einführung in die algebraische K-Theorie | Seminar | Mi 10-12 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | Georg Tamme | Selected Topics in Algebraic K-Theory  | Vorlesung | Wednesday, 14-16 | MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2018 | Stefan Friedl, Gerrit Herrmann, Enrico Toffoli | Spektralsequenzen/Spectral sequences  | Seminar | Dienstag 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2018 | PD Dr. Raphael Zentner | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Do 14-16 Uhr | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2018 | Bernd Ammann, Raphael Zentner | Seminar on Gauge Theory  | Seminar | Monday 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2018 | Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz, Morten Lüders, Dr. Yigeng Zhao | Angewandte Lineare Algebra | Proseminar | Do 12- 14 Uhr | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Helmut Abels | Partielle Differentialgleichungen II/Partial Differential Equations II  | Vorlesung | Mo. and We., 10-12 am | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Fr., 8-10h | BSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Helmut Abels | Fourieranalysis/ Fourier Analysis  | Vorlesung | Tuesday, 14-16 | BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Friday, 8-10 am | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Bernd Ammann | Symplektische Geometrie und klassische Mechanik/Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics  | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16 und Fr 12-14 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Di 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Kähler-Geometrie/Seminar on Kähler geometry  | Seminar | Mo 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Luise Blank | Numerik I | Vorlesung | Mo 14 - 16 und Mi 10 - 12 | BPraMa(1), LA-GyNum, BPraMa1, LGyNum, CS-B-P16, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03, RZ M 04, RZ-M61, RZ-M33 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Karsten Bohlen | Seminar Funktionentheorie | Seminar | Montag 12-14 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Karsten Bohlen | Index theory of singular structures  | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Ulrich Bunke | Lineare Algebra 1 | Vorlesung | Mo, Do 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Motivic sheaves  | Oberseminar | | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Algebraische Topologie | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12 + Mi 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Helmut Abels and Georg Dolzmann | Blockseminar "Partielle Differentialgleichungen"/ Seminar "Partial Differential Equations" (enbloc)  | Seminar | One week in February/March 2018 | BSem, MV, MSem, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Felix Finster | Analysis I (Vorlesung) | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10 im H 16, Fr 12-14 im H 20 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, Phy-B-P11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Felix Finster | Seminar "Spezielle Probleme der Mathematischen Physik"  | Seminar | Dienstag, 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Felix Finster | Working-Seminar "Mathematische Physik"  | Seminar | Do 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Stefan Friedl | Algebraic topology III  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 8-10 + Friday 8-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Stefan Friedl | Elementargeometrie | Vorlesung | Mittwoch 8-10 | LA-REG | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Funktionalanalytische Methoden für Differentialgleichungen  | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Funktionalanalysis  | Vorlesung | Di und Do, jeweils 10-12 | BAn(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3, PHY-B-WE 03, PHY-M-VE 03 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Bachelor- und Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Monday, 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie I (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12 und Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LGHZSG | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LGHZSG | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Uwe Jannsen | Seminar über Zahlentheorie und Kryptographie | Seminar | Do 8-10 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Uwe Jannsen | Étale cohomology  | Vorlesung | Di 10-12 und Do 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Florian Strunk, Moritz Kerz | Algebraische Geometrie I/Algebraic Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Mi 10-12, Fr 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Moritz Kerz | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Di 12-14 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Adeel Khan | Descent in algebraic K-theory  | Vorlesung | Monday 14 - 16 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Analysis III für Physiker | Vorlesung | Mo. und Do., jeweils 8 - 10 | PHY-B-P-11, CS-B-P17 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Klaus Kuennemann | p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions | Seminar | Tue 16h00 -17h30 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Klaus Kuennemann | Non-Archimedean Analytic Geometry I  | Vorlesung | Mon, Thu 8h15 - 10h00 | BV, MV, MArGeo | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelovtheorie | Oberseminar | Tue 14h15 -15h45 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Markus Land | Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen  | Proseminar | Blockseminar im Oktober 2017 | BSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Uwe Jannsen, Yigeng Zhao, Morten Lüders | Seminar on linear algebraic groups  | Seminar | Mi 8:30 - 10:00 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Stefan Friedl und Clara Löh | LKS seminar  | Seminar | Thursday 12-14h | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Clara Löh | Algebra | Vorlesung | Di 10--12, Fr 10--12 | BAlg(1), LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Clara Löh | Logik und Algebra | Seminar | Mi, 8:30--10:00 | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Bogdan Matioc | Analysis I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Niko Naumann | Seminar zur Algebraischen Geometrie | Seminar | Di. 12 - 14 Uhr | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Niko Naumann | Seminar on Galois theory  | Seminar | Mon, 2-4 pm | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Bernd Ammann, Niko Naumann | Seminar on positive scalar curvature and bordism  | Oberseminar | Tuesday 14.15 to 16.00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Justin Noel | Machine Learning from a mathematical viewpoint  | Vorlesung | Thursdays 10-12, Fridays (exercises) 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, MAT-MCS, MAT-BBioInf, CS-B-Math3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Michael Gößwein und Mihaela Pilca | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Di. 12-14 und Mi. 14-16 | LA-GyAn | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh, Mihaela Pilca | Oberseminar Globale Analysis  | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Justin Noel and Georgios Raptis | Topics in Higher Category Theory  | Seminar | Tuesdays 16:00-18:00 | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Markus Land, Georgios Raptis | Stable homotopy theory II  | Seminar | Mittwochs 16-18 Uhr | MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Prof. Dr. Denis-Charles Cisinski, Dr. Helene Sigloch | De Rham-Kohomologie  | Seminar | Mittwoch 8-10 Uhr ct | BSem, MSem, LA-GySem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Johannes Sprang | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Montag 8-10 Uhr, Mittwoch 12-14 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Werner Stich | Mathematisches Grundwissen der Sekundarstufe I (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Montag, 16-18 Uhr | LA-GHRMGW | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Stefan Friedl, Gerrit Herrmann and Enrico Toffoli | Characteristic classes  | Seminar | Wednesday 12:30 - 14 | BSem, MV, MSem | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Rolf Waldi | Proseminar Elementargeometrie (LR) | Proseminar | Vorbesprechung am Di, dem 17.10.2017, 12-14 Uhr, M009 | LA-REG | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Mathias Wilke | Analysis III: Maß- und Funktionentheorie | Vorlesung | Di und Fr, 8-10 Uhr | BAn(1), LA-GyHAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | WiSe 2017 / 18 | Prof. Dr. Moritz Kerz, Morten Lüders, Dr. Yigeng Zhao | Seminar zu Modulformen  | Seminar | Do 12 - 14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2017 | Druckansicht gesamtes Semester | SoSe 2017 | Helmut Abels | Partielle Differentialgleichungen I/Partial Differential Equations I  | Vorlesung | Monday, 10-12 am, and Wednesday, 8-10 am | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, PHY-B-WE3, PHY-M-VE3, CS-B-Math4, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2017 | Helmut Abels | Bachelorseminar | Seminar | Mo., 8-10h | BSem | SoSe 2017 | Helmut Abels | Masterarbeitenseminar  | Seminar | Fr., 8-10h | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Bernd Ammann | Analysis II für Physiker | Vorlesung | Di. und Mi., 8-10h | PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2017 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar über Abschlussarbeiten und Arbeitsgruppenseminar  | Seminar | Tuesday 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2017 | Bernd Ammann | Seminar on Ricci flow  | Seminar | Monday, 8-10 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Luise Blank | Numerik II | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16, Mi 10-12 | BPraMa(2), BV, MV, MAngAn, RZ-M 04, RZ-M33, RZ-M61, Phy-M-VE03, CS-B-Math3, CS-M-P1, CS-M-P2, CS-M-P3 | SoSe 2017 | Bernd Ammann, Karsten Bohlen | The index theorem by Atiyah and Singer, Part II  | Vorlesung | Friday 8:30-10.00 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2017 | Karsten Bohlen | Proseminar für Studienanfänger | Proseminar | montags, 14-16 Uhr | BSem | SoSe 2017 | Ulrich Bunke | AG-Seminar | Oberseminar | Do 12-14 | | SoSe 2017 | Ulrich Bunke | Differentialgeometrie 1 | Vorlesung | Vorlesung: Mo, Do 10-12, Fragestunde: Mo 12-14 | BV, MV, MGAGeo, LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2017 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Higher category theory and homotopical algebra II  | Vorlesung | Mo 16-18 + Fr 15-17 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2017 | Denis-Charles Cisinski | Motivic sheaves  | Oberseminar | Mo 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Georg Dolzmann | Seminar zu Masterarbeiten | Seminar zu Masterarbeiten | Mo 16-18 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Georg Dolzmann | Analysis II | Vorlesung | Mi 8-10 und Fr 12-14 | BGAna, LA-GyAn, PHY-B-P-11, NS-B-1, CS-B-P14 | SoSe 2017 | Georg Dolzmann | Proseminar Analysis | Proseminar | Di 8-10 | BSem | SoSe 2017 | Felix Finster | Working-Seminar "Mathematische Physik"  | Seminar | Do 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Felix Finster | Seminar "Mathematische Physik"  | Seminar | Di 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Felix Finster | Causal variational principles (PDE III)  | Vorlesung | Mo 8-10, Fr 13:30 - 15:00 | BV, MV, MAngAn | SoSe 2017 | Stefan Friedl | Algebraische Topologie II/Algebraic Topology II  | Vorlesung | Tuesday 8-10, Friday 10-12 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2017 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Analysis IV: Analysis auf Mannifaltigkeiten | Vorlesung | Di und Fr, jeweils 8-10 | BAn(2), MAT-BAn, PHY-B-P-11, CS-P-9b, CS-B-P-17 | SoSe 2017 | Prof. Dr. Harald Garcke | Nichtlineare elliptische und parabolische Differentialgleichungen | Seminar | Do 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Walter Gubler | Arakelov Geometry | Vorlesung | Tuesday, Thursday 8-10 | BV, MV, MArGeo, Promotionsstudium | SoSe 2017 | Walter Gubler | Seminar zu laufenden Abschlussarbeiten  | Seminar | Mo, 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2017 | Michael Hellus | Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie II (LG, LM, LR) | Vorlesung | Mi 10 - 12 und Do 12 - 14 | LA-GHRLAGeo | SoSe 2017 | Michael Hellus | Elementargeometrie | Proseminar | Mo 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LGHZSG | SoSe 2017 | Michael Hellus | Elementare Stochastik | Proseminar | Di 14 - 16 | LA-GHEGES, LGHZSG | SoSe 2017 | Stefan Friedl and Gerrit Herrmann | Introduction to knot theory II  | Vorlesung | Thursday 8-10 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2017 | Stefan Friedl and Gerrit Herrmann | Hyperbolic Geometry  | Seminar | Mo 10-12 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Uwe Jannsen | Algebraic Number Theory II  | Vorlesung | Tue + Thur 10-12 | BV, MV, MArGeo | SoSe 2017 | Moritz Kerz | Lineare Algebra I | Vorlesung | Mo 10-12, Mi 10-12 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2017 | Moritz Kerz | AG-Seminar  | Oberseminar | TBA | BSem, MV, MSem, Promotion | SoSe 2017 | Prof. Dr. Guido Kings | Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | Vorlesung | Mo 14-16 und Do14-16 | BPraMa(2), LA-GyStoch | SoSe 2017 | Walter Gubler, Klaus Kuennemann | Oberseminar Arakelov-Theorie  | Oberseminar | Di, 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Markus Land | Selected topics in the algebraic topology of manifolds  | Vorlesung | Monday, 14-16 | BV, MV, MGAGeo | SoSe 2017 | Markus Land | (Pro)Seminar zur Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen | Proseminar | Freitag, 10-12 Uhr | BSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2017 | Clara Löh | Lineare Algebra II | Vorlesung | Mo 10:00--12:00, Do 10:00--12:00 | BGLA, LA-GyLA | SoSe 2017 | Clara Löh | Perlen der Linearen Algebra | Proseminar | Do 8:30--10:00 | BSem | SoSe 2017 | Stefan Friedl und Clara Löh | LKS-seminar  | Seminar | Tuesday 11-12:30 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Bernd Ammann, Ulrich Bunke, Stefan Friedl, Clara Löh | Oberseminar Globale Analysis | Oberseminar | Wednesday, 10-12 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Niko Naumann | Kommutative Algebra | Vorlesung | Di. und Fr., jeweils 10-12 Uhr | MAT-BAlg2 | SoSe 2017 | Antonella Perucca | Geometrie (Lehramt Gymnasium) | Vorlesung | Di 8-10, Fr 8-10 | LA-GyGeo | SoSe 2017 | Antonella Perucca | Elementare Zahlentheorie | Vorlesung | VL Do 14-16, Fr 10-12 | LA-GHRMGW, LA-GHRLAGeo, LA-GHRAn, LA-GHREZ, LA-REG, LA-RES, LA-GHEGES | SoSe 2017 | Antonella Perucca | Proseminar Elementargeometrie (LR) | Proseminar | Di 12-14 | LA-REG, LA-RES | SoSe 2017 | Justin Noel, Georgios Raptis | Topics in higher category theory  | Seminar | Dienstag 16:00-18:00 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Ulrich Bunke, Markus Land, Georgios Raptis | Seminar on Automorphisms of Manifolds  | Seminar | Tuesday 14-16 | MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Georgios Raptis | Stable Homotopy Theory  | Seminar | Wednesday 14-16 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Helene Sigloch | Examenskurs Algebra und Zahlentheorie LGy | Seminar | Montag 8-10 Uhr, Mittwoch 12-14 Uhr | LA-GyAlg | SoSe 2017 | Werner Stich | Analysis II (LG,LM,LR) | Vorlesung | Mo 12-14, Di 16-18 | LA-GHRAn | SoSe 2017 | Werner Stich | Elementare Stochastik (LR) | Vorlesung | Di 12-14 | LA-RES | SoSe 2017 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Künnemann with Bastian Altmann and Martino Stoffel | Seminar on Algebraic Number Theory  | Seminar | Mo 16-18 | BSem, MV, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Prof. Dr. Klaus Künnemann mit Bastian Altmann und Martino Stoffel | Seminar über laufende Abschlussarbeiten | Seminar | Di 16h00 - 17h30 | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Bastian Altmann, Martino Stoffel | Examenskurs Analysis | Seminar | Dienstag 12-14 Uhr und Mittwoch 14-16 Uhr | | SoSe 2017 | Raphael Zentner | Einführung in die Finanzmathematik | Seminar | Das Seminar findet als Blockseminar vom 18. bis 21. April statt | BSem, MSem | SoSe 2017 | Prof. Moritz Kerz, Morten Lüders, Dr. Yigeng Zhao | Seminar über quadratische Formen | Seminar | Mi 12-14 | BSem, MV, MSem, LA-GySem | SoSe 2017 | Prof. Dr. Uwe Jannsen, Dr. Yigeng Zhao | Seminar on abelian varieties  | Seminar | Wednesday 10-12 Uhr | BSem, MSem |